Parts required to mod a E36 323 to E36 325 spec

Parts required to mod a E36 323 to E36 325 spec



Original Poster:

1,787 posts

228 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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Picked up my E36 323 Coupe last night, quite impressed so far as it cost me well short of £2k with 100k, Climate and a load of other toys for a '97 plate, i've been told the 323 is a detuned version of the E36 325 and that mine can be brought up to 325 spec (ie 192 bhp), what bits are required to do this?

Just need to sell my Focus now!


23,663 posts

214 months

Tuesday 15th May 2007
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ChrisRS said:
Picked up my E36 323 Coupe last night, quite impressed so far as it cost me well short of £2k with 100k, Climate and a load of other toys for a '97 plate, i've been told the 323 is a detuned version of the E36 325 and that mine can be brought up to 325 spec (ie 192 bhp), what bits are required to do this?

Just need to sell my Focus now!

You need an M50 inlet manifold and modified throttle body - if you need to get someone to do this there's a guy called Ian, 'Alpina527' on forums who can help you

A remap might help

You can also use a 328i exhaust which helps a little

Edited by ShropshireMike on Tuesday 15th May 08:07