BMW service pack

BMW service pack



Original Poster:

6,555 posts

295 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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I've just had the brakes done under the service pack, the car needed new disks and pads all round.
I booked it in when the the warning light came on, making a point of asking if the work would be covered under the service pack, they said it would be.

I picked the car up on friday, the chap said they had done front and read pads and disks and also the handbrake shoes....

I was pleased and drove off..

I've just had a call from them to say that the shoes are not covered by the service pack and I owe them £90. I've told them that when I bought the car (it is an 04 320cd) I specifically asked the userd car manager what the service pack covered, he said everything, I said even derv and tyres? He said no, everything apart from derv and tyres..

So I've told them to take a hike and I'm expecting a stroppy call..

anyone had similar?


deva link

26,934 posts

256 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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Is it BMW Service & Maintenance:

If so then I think 'everything part from derv & tyres' is something of an exaggeration.

Having said that, why did they change the handbrake shoes anyway? Are you in the habit of using the handbrake to stop the car?


Original Poster:

6,555 posts

295 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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The chap said they were cracked, which I would have thought is not normal behaviour.