It's finally ordered - 335i

It's finally ordered - 335i



Original Poster:

1,136 posts

230 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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So, after months of decision making and endless 'What Car?' threads, the deed has finally been done. Big thanks to all those who have directed (and re-directed) me towards this....

335i Sport Touring (Manual)
Sparking Graphite
Lemon Dakota Leather
Logic 7
Sliding Armrest
Luggage Pack
Storage Pack

now the long wait begins.....


11,974 posts

229 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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Original Poster:

1,136 posts

230 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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nah, I brush twice a day

(seriously, I'm a techno phobe and that kinda stuff doesn't appeal)


3,104 posts

245 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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alfaspiderman2 said:
nah, I brush twice a day

(seriously, I'm a techno phobe and that kinda stuff doesn't appeal)

Call up and have it added while its still possible.
Becoming more and more important with all the changes in the law. Relatively small change compared to cost of the car itself.

Lovely motor otherwise.

Phil Dicky

7,192 posts

274 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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vee said:
alfaspiderman2 said:
nah, I brush twice a day

(seriously, I'm a techno phobe and that kinda stuff doesn't appeal)

Call up and have it added while its still possible.
Becoming more and more important with all the changes in the law. Relatively small change compared to cost of the car itself.

Lovely motor otherwise.

I would second that, I would regard bluetooth as a must


Original Poster:

1,136 posts

230 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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pardon my ignorance, but isn't it just a hands-free kit?

my firm will install one of those for me so why bother forking out £500 of my own cash?

or have I missed something fundamental here?


3,104 posts

245 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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alfaspiderman2 said:
pardon my ignorance, but isn't it just a hands-free kit?

my firm will install one of those for me so why bother forking out £500 of my own cash?

or have I missed something fundamental here?

Fair enough.
The manufacturer prep will let you make calls, view the phone book, etc via the steering wheel. Plus you have no unsightly Parrot/Nokia/SonyE control unit stuck to your dash.
All aftermarket kits cannot integrate with the mf steering controls. I've heard of the buses on new BMWs making it very difficult to add things post build.
Blackspider will be better informed as to whether any aftermarket kit works.


Original Poster:

1,136 posts

230 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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ok thanks

in an ideal world (or if this were my own car) I'd certainly have wanted the Bluetooth

however, my lease firm charges me 100% of the option cost and £500 seems a lot to 'lease' a handsfree kit for 3 years


3,104 posts

245 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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Ah, leased so resale not your problem.
In that case the £500 is not worht it !


11,974 posts

229 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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Fair enough, I can see your point!


2,714 posts

218 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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Don't bother with BMW Bluetooth - I've got it on my 535d and it only works with the SHITE phones. It's not compatible with the newer Symbian based phones (N series Nokia's, P series Sony Ericssons etc) so really no point!

Nice car by the way - do post pics when it arrives


Original Poster:

1,136 posts

230 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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535d was the only real alternative to the 335i in the final analysis for me

decided I really wanted petrol/manual and that meant there was only one way to go


3,327 posts

274 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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Glad you finally got it sorted Alfa thumbup

Agree with you on the 500 squid for hiring a hands-free kit over three years.


35,295 posts

269 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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535dman said:
Don't bother with BMW Bluetooth - I've got it on my 535d and it only works with the SHITE phones. It's not compatible with the newer Symbian based phones (N series Nokia's, P series Sony Ericssons etc) so really no point!

Nice car by the way - do post pics when it arrives
newest software update apparently makes it SYmbian compatible.


3,327 posts

274 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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Sorry to go off topic, but they are gagging for an E60 M5 over at the Cerbera challenge, if you’re interested Charlie?

p.s. you can take me if youre going beer

Edited by d1bble on Monday 14th May 16:10


11,974 posts

229 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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535dman said:
Don't bother with BMW Bluetooth - I've got it on my 535d and it only works with the SHITE phones. It's not compatible with the newer Symbian based phones (N series Nokia's, P series Sony Ericssons etc) so really no point!

Nice car by the way - do post pics when it arrives

I would argue that's a sensible move. As a former Psion shareholder I can see why they too the money and ran. Symbian is clunky and crash prone. If you stick with the series 40 gear the BMW system works very nicely and I would say is worth every penny.


35,295 posts

269 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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d1bble said:
Sorry to go off topic, but they are gagging for an E60 M5 over at the Cerbera challenge, if you’re interested Charlie?

p.s. you can take me if youre going beer

Edited by d1bble on Monday 14th May 16:10
what's this Cerbera challenge of which you speak?


3,327 posts

274 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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Zod said:
d1bble said:
Sorry to go off topic, but they are gagging for an E60 M5 over at the Cerbera challenge, if you’re interested Charlie?

p.s. you can take me if youre going beer

Edited by d1bble on Monday 14th May 16:10
what's this Cerbera challenge of which you speak?



2,714 posts

218 months

Monday 14th May 2007
quotequote all
Zod said:
535dman said:
Don't bother with BMW Bluetooth - I've got it on my 535d and it only works with the SHITE phones. It's not compatible with the newer Symbian based phones (N series Nokia's, P series Sony Ericssons etc) so really no point!

Nice car by the way - do post pics when it arrives
newest software update apparently makes it SYmbian compatible.

I've had the update it and still don't work (Nokia N95)many others have had the same fate on other BM forums. CIP update does not do the trick.


2,714 posts

218 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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olf said:
535dman said:
Don't bother with BMW Bluetooth - I've got it on my 535d and it only works with the SHITE phones. It's not compatible with the newer Symbian based phones (N series Nokia's, P series Sony Ericssons etc) so really no point!

Nice car by the way - do post pics when it arrives

I would argue that's a sensible move. As a former Psion shareholder I can see why they too the money and ran. Symbian is clunky and crash prone. If you stick with the series 40 gear the BMW system works very nicely and I would say is worth every penny.

Series 40 phones if i'm right are the Nokia 62xx, 63xx etc - I mean if a kit like the Nokia N95 is not suppported by BMW then thats a big nono for me. Those phones will be outdated in to time. Prada (LG -wifes got one), Motorola, Samsung apparently are all having compatability problems with BMW Bluetooth - google it - tons of posts come up. I use it with my 8800 Sirocco and it works fine but it should really support all phones IMO.

Edited by 535dman on Monday 14th May 18:50