BMW Museum


Ecurie Ecosse

Original Poster:

4,812 posts

229 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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Hi guys

I am off to Munich this weekend, and naturally I would like to visit the BMW factory and museum.

Do you have to contact anyone in advance to book places etc.?

Thanks for your help - I'll post some pics when I get back.


328 posts

293 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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My understanding is that the Museum is currently closed, though there might be a small token display at the old site.
The new Museum is due to open later this year.

The Bi-Annual BMW Car Club Tour was deferred until 2008 because of this as we obviously wanted to visit the Museum but it will not be open at the time (June) our visit was planned.

I know the Factory Tours need to be booked well in advance ... the following was lifted from the BMW Website:

"Registration for single visitors and small groups up to a maximum of 6 people
Registration is possible on our website only with a maximum of 3 months in advance.

Registration for larger groups
The maximum group size is 30 people. Due to limited capacities we can not split large groups to different tour dates.
You can register for a tour on our website for dates with a maximum of 6 months in advance.

Register here:

You have any questions? Please direct your request in written form to:
D-80788 München
Fax: +49 (0) 89-3 82-2 58 78

You will need to provide information about the group, the number of people and your preferred day for the visit (Monday to Friday). Please also let us know of any particular wishes for your programme. The maximum group size is 30 people. There is no age limit. We offer guided tours in German and English; please contact us to find out about other languages. At the moment, you will need to book about 6 months in advance."

Edited by gimlet on Monday 14th May 10:40


6,948 posts

218 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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Here is a link to the temporary museum which I hope will help.


4,910 posts

266 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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It's hard to recommend going out of your way to visit the current, temporary museum. An alternative, if you are near the Theriesienwiese (Oktoberfest location), is the Verkerzentrum. Exhibits include a BMW Williams and a Renault F1 car, plus trains,trucks,motorcycles etc. OK, but not that special.

For info: Thursday 17th is a bank holiday here.

Ecurie Ecosse

Original Poster:

4,812 posts

229 months

Tuesday 15th May 2007
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Many thanks for the replies guys