RE: BMW triumph in engine awards

RE: BMW triumph in engine awards

Wednesday 9th May 2007

BMW triumph in engine awards

Twin-turbo six pot dominates

The superb 335i engine
The superb 335i engine
BMW has triumphed at the International Engine of the Year awards, taking victory with the amazing three litre twin-turbo inline ‘six’ found in the 335i and collecting six other gongs. The victory means the trophy stays in Munich for a record third year in a row, and frankly we’re not surprised, given the incredible blend of potent torque and top-end power the 335i engine produces.

The 335i engine also won the ‘best new engine’ section, and the 2.5 litre BMW 'six' won best engine in the two – two and a half litre category. In a slightly more controversial decision, the German firm also won the ‘best performance engine’ category with the five litre V10 from the M5/M6. We still can’t decide whether we love the noise and power, or still lust after the E39 M5 V8’s torque...

Meanwhile, Porsche picked up its first ever award (yes, really) for the latest 997 turbo motor in the three - four litre category and the VW 1.4 TSI Twincharger engine triumphed in the one – one point four litre category. German engineering might was firmly to the fore.

The awards are held at Engine Expo in Stuttgart, Germany, and are judged by 62 motoring journalists from 30 different countries.




Original Poster:

11,550 posts

238 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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Shame-I guess the old Trabant missed out -AGAIN !!


1,140 posts

242 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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Great stuff. If these engines are so good, why is that BMW are no longer willing to provide a BMW warranty on cars that have done 100K+ miles (60k + faces some exclusions).

The Cheaper Porsche warranty applies to any mileage up to 125k miles, and AFAIK, the Audi warranty does not have a mileage limit.


13,264 posts

280 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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I just sold my 335i as I found it a boring drive. Will go on record and say that I think the latest 330i is probably the better engine.

For me the 335i drives like a six pot tdi, it lacks the expedential go that most petrol engines possess as you near the red line which makes it super fast but deviod of thrills.

In some cars you feel like you are having fun at relatively sensible speeds, in this car its largely devoid of fun and the speeds involved would loose your licence for a long time.



1,209 posts

295 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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What are you replacing it with, Bennno?

As the saying goes: It's not how fast you go - it's how you go fast.

I guess you'd concur?

MK4 Slowride

10,028 posts

219 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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A well deserved award for the lads in engineering.


13,264 posts

280 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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daver said:
What are you replacing it with, Bennno?

As the saying goes: It's not how fast you go - it's how you go fast.

I guess you'd concur?

Going back to another Monaro, this time a 6L VXR.

Bristling with character and fun by comparison and a bargain to boot.



5,591 posts

253 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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bennno said:

Will go on record and say that I think the latest 330i is probably the better engine.

Technically speaking the N52 (330i) is slightly ahead of the N54 (335i), it uses the newer much lighter block and has some newer tech like valvetronic, which I believe are absent on the N54.


11,974 posts

229 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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bennno said:

I just sold my 335i as I found it a boring drive. Will go on record and say that I think the latest 330i is probably the better engine.

For me the 335i drives like a six pot tdi, it lacks the expedential go that most petrol engines possess as you near the red line which makes it super fast but deviod of thrills.

In some cars you feel like you are having fun at relatively sensible speeds, in this car its largely devoid of fun and the speeds involved would loose your licence for a long time.


bennno as also saying said:

Our purchase logic is that we are a family of 4 and fit comfortably in the 3, most of the time however its just me so the 335i performance is stunning. Only on a very rare occassion would I need to seat 5 and they will fit at a push.

I wouldnt personally trade the driving fun and performance of the 335i to enable the transport of a fifth non family passenger in more comfort.

The 335i m sport for me is like a more practical, half price, 911. Its not quite as fast, its not quite as glam etc but its almost as much fun and seats 4 in comfort.


Whilst I don't like dragging up what people have said in the past I remembered very clearly your words about the 335i being a fun half price Porker and wondered how in the space of 3 weeks you've chnaged your mind?!

Edited by olf on Wednesday 9th May 13:45


13,264 posts

280 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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In brief....

3,500 miles of driving
A bid of within £1300 of the discounted price I paid new for the BMW
A demo 2007 VXR Monaro with 12k off list

The above reset my expectations. My old E46 3330i sport was better fun than the 335i.



8,066 posts

276 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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I'm guessing the engine didn't score many points in the looks department. I think they need to form an engine consortium with Alfa.


3,813 posts

216 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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Top engines! BMW obviously know how to make them well, as they have won a fair few awards over the last few years.

Still, can't ignore the old skool M30 'big blocks' from the 80s!!

I have driven an E46 330ci Sport, but not the new 335i coupe, so can't really comment on what Bennno is saying.

I'm sure it is a cracking engine to have though...


919 posts

221 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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now that's what I call progress....

15 years of development and 600cc less than the Lotus Carlton, to come up with a whole 75 BHP less.


51 posts

295 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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2woody said:
now that's what I call progress....

15 years of development and 600cc less than the Lotus Carlton, to come up with a whole 75 BHP less.

The Carlton you mentioned wasn't it twin turbo? If it was, you're comparing apples with oranges...


374 posts

278 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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vpinto said:
2woody said:
now that's what I call progress....

15 years of development and 600cc less than the Lotus Carlton, to come up with a whole 75 BHP less.

The Carlton you mentioned wasn't it twin turbo? If it was, you're comparing apples with oranges...

Article said:

taking victory with the amazing three litre twin-turbo inline ‘six’ found in the 335i

Seems to be a fair comparison to me?


35,295 posts

269 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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pppppp said:
so they won't warrant a chipped engine. That is surprising for what reason?


51 posts

295 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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2woody said:
Seems to be a fair comparison to me?

Yes... of course... Sorry for that... I seam to failed to be awake even after lunch...

Anyway, torque curves must be completely different with the Lotus more off (before boost)/on(after boost)...

But you're right... Not that impressive. At least on paper.

Edited by vpinto on Wednesday 9th May 17:00


6,687 posts

217 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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cant believe they have missed the lada out again they obviously dont know a good car when they see one............................. hmmmm


9,040 posts

236 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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I simply don't understand why the TVR Speed 6 engine has never won this award. The judges must be idiots!


2,064 posts

219 months

Wednesday 9th May 2007
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MK4 Slowride said:
A well deserved award for the lads in engineering.
