Window tints

Window tints



Original Poster:

79 posts

251 months

Monday 7th May 2007
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Having been quoted £140+ for the BMW rear window blinds for my 335d touring I'm now thinking of getting the windows tinted. Does anyone have experience of this? Fitter recommendations?

BTW, It's for the benefit of my daughter, not for looks/vanity/pimping-up.


6,948 posts

218 months

Monday 7th May 2007
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Contact Pentagon Glass and speak to the best people on the market for tints. Many main dealers use them and the quality of film used and the longevity cannot be faulted.

turbo tim

20,458 posts

242 months

Monday 7th May 2007
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belleair302 said:
Contact Pentagon Glass....

How much do they charge (I know it'll be vehicle dependant, so just roughly?)


560 posts

281 months

Monday 7th May 2007
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I had my 5 series tinted about 3 years ago. All windows (in smoke) except front windscreen, and it cost about £400. This was done by Pentagon in Watford. I've used them before on an Audi A4 I had many years earlier, and to be honest, they haven't done the best job on the Bimmer, they did my Audi better. A couple of marks here and there and some grit under the film. My audi took them 1.5 days, where they did the bimmer in under a day. I think they rushed it..

To be fair these are really small faults, nothing like lifting or scratched film. I'd use them again.


9,586 posts

254 months

Monday 7th May 2007
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I would second pentagon, they are very good indeed.

They did all the glass behind the B pillar on our X5 late last year.


6,948 posts

218 months

Monday 7th May 2007
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To do the whole of a BMW 5 series was around £500 plus VAT, with a medium / legal tint a few months ago. I would have thought that you would get away with less, and they have a number of fitting areas across the UK.