missing sirius module keeping my E60 off the road......

missing sirius module keeping my E60 off the road......



Original Poster:

4 posts

214 months

Thursday 3rd May 2007
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I have a 05 525i that I bought used last June and come to find out that the Sirius module (that the car came with from the factory) was missing. Right now the car just runs like crap, it shakes no throttle response and the BMW service center tells me that they can not do anything to fix the car because of the missing mod. They tell me that when they run the diagnostic it wont finish cause it stops looking for the Sirius mod. The car is still under warranty. The dealer wants $500 to $1000 to fix the prob. They want to replace the mod or rewire it. Would they really need to go to this extent to fix this issue?????


1,038 posts

220 months

Thursday 3rd May 2007
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If its under warranty then whatever is missing will be covered-All the time I've been with BMW I have yet to hear of a "Sirius" module?

Ive recently replaced the entire vehicle loom on an e61 touring and during that removed all the control units and modules on the vehicle,non have that name...What do'es it do,did they explain..Im guessing because your in a different market to us they have given the modules diffent names.Chances are the module is there,but has just failed.All the systems on the vehicle talk to each other so if one is missing it would have been on fault from new.I take it the module is AG back order(germany)

Edited by blackspider on Thursday 3rd May 08:07


17,113 posts

275 months

Thursday 3rd May 2007
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blackspider said:
If its under warranty then whatever is missing will be covered-All the time I've been with BMW I have yet to hear of a "Sirius" module?

Ive recently replaced the entire vehicle loom on an e61 touring and during that removed all the control units and modules on the vehicle,non have that name...What do'es it do,did they explain..Im guessing because your in a different market to us they have given the modules diffent names.Chances are the module is there,but has just failed.All the systems on the vehicle talk to each other so if one is missing it would have been on fault from new.I take it the module is AG back order(germany)

Edited by blackspider on Thursday 3rd May 08:07

Isnt Sirius the sattelite radio system used by Radio stations in the US?

If that was installed as an option (often an option hire cars as then us limeys can listen to Radio 1 in 'real-time') then I guess that could be why its failing if not present?

More here: www.sirius.com/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=Sirius/CachedPage&c=Page&cid=1018209032790

Edited by Neil_Bolton on Thursday 3rd May 08:26


1,038 posts

220 months

Thursday 3rd May 2007
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Well spotted although Thats the name of the satelite system,the system on the vehicle is called SDARS..This wouldnt have any bareing on the running of the vehicle anyway.

Edited by blackspider on Thursday 3rd May 10:04


8,617 posts

215 months

Thursday 3rd May 2007
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Sure they didn't say, it's a SERIOUS problem and you have a module missing


Original Poster:

4 posts

214 months

Thursday 3rd May 2007
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I wish I could take this as light as you guys.... but it is turning out to be a SERIOUS pain in my ass. I took the car in for a emissions recall and the service tech said that there was nothing they could do with out the module (and yes its a Sirius Satellite radio module) The thing is, you can either buy the car with the module or just have the car wired for it.....my question is why cant they just reprogram the system not to have the Sirius module???????


2,014 posts

261 months

Friday 4th May 2007
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brdee5252 said:
The car is still under warranty. The dealer wants $500 to $1000 to fix the prob.

Obviously an American warranty isn't worth the paper its written on...

How can a Satellite receiver module affect the performance of an engine? Your dealer is taking the p*ss in more ways than one.


Original Poster:

4 posts

214 months

Monday 21st May 2007
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If there is a master tech out there and knows if the computer can be reprogrammed to not recognize the Sirius module please let me know before I shell out $500-$1000. Its not the missing module that is causing any problems its the fact that with out it the cars computer cannot run a complete diagnostic or be reconfigured to fix the problem. For those that do not completely understand what Sirius Satilite is go here......



1,038 posts

220 months

Monday 21st May 2007
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brdee5252 said:
If there is a master tech out there and knows if the computer can be reprogrammed to not recognize the Sirius module please let me know before I shell out $500-$1000. Its not the missing module that is causing any problems its the fact that with out it the cars computer cannot run a complete diagnostic or be reconfigured to fix the problem. For those that do not completely understand what Sirius Satilite is go here......


You will need to contact BMW technical-we have UK you may need to contact AG-there may be a chance they can re-write the vehicle order and program that in without sirus in the list.
If they can then it would be a simple case of a flash connector to put in the most.

Thats your only way forward-we have done this on quite a few vehicles before for different systems-xenon etc


Original Poster:

4 posts

214 months

Thursday 24th May 2007
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How do I get in contact with BMW technical???? I have looked all over.........


1,038 posts

220 months

Thursday 24th May 2007
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brdee5252 said:
How do I get in contact with BMW technical???? I have looked all over.........

You will need to go to/talk to your local dealer that,if they have the same systems as us they will raise a PuMA measure (an internal technical email)which is a direct link to technical-I would presume there is a technical over there as canada have one.

Technical will than give an answer to whether it can be done or not.Hopefully they can write the module out for you.