

Original Poster:

50 posts

257 months

Thursday 8th May 2003
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Right....i know some of you can play, sing etc. PistonFest in their questionable wisdom have put me in charge of organising the pistonheads band. So i need people to commit to bringing and performing for a 20/30 minute set. I'm trying to sort out some equipment (any help you can offer will be greatly appriciated) and if you could bring your own instruments that would be great.

So...we will need to decide on a set, get together at some point on the saturday to practice and then perform. I'm afraid the only bonus you will get from doing this is the respect from your fellow phers (tehe) but it should be a good laugh.

So the challenge is set........

Right we need equipment as well. ie PA, amps etc. What can you guys supply....everything needs to be donated as such, but don't worry extreme care will be taken with all equipment on loan. I promise......

Please help?!?!?!?!?!

>>> Edited by Smirfette on Thursday 8th May 10:34


117 posts

277 months

Thursday 8th May 2003
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Can supply an acoustic steel-strung guitar, and PA mixer. Would have been able to supply a keyboard, but currently flogging it on Ebay.

So who've you got playing then?


Original Poster:

50 posts

257 months

Thursday 8th May 2003
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Us and maybe another band. But nothing is confirmed. I will contact you offline next week to confirm details. Meeting with people on monday so keep you updated.

ANd cheers for sharing....


838 posts

257 months

Thursday 8th May 2003
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I've got a keyboard (Ensoniq) & stand anybody is welcome to use, also a roland rack with sounds in, but that means midi, and it then gets complicated unless you know how to plug it all together......who wants to play keyboards???


12,058 posts

269 months

Thursday 8th May 2003
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I can help out with a plugging in type knob-twiddling role if needed.


9,921 posts

258 months

Thursday 8th May 2003
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Serious suggestions
As a scratch band there is no real point in rehearsing so a 2 minute level check in the afternoon is all the time that should be allowed (face it, it's a one shot deal.)
So, the way to do these things is to select songs that are basically 3 chord thrashes so no-one can get seriously lost. Also they should bomb along a bit so that the balls ups are left behind PDQ so you don't feel a tit. And lastly the choices have to be accessable i.e. downloadable from somewhere so that they can be analysed and played note for note from a specified source so everyone knows WTF they are doing.

And lastly
I can't bring gear but would be happy to play bass if one were available


Original Poster:

50 posts

257 months

Thursday 8th May 2003
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cool....sems like it's coming together. All we need now is a drummer. I'm on the case.

Now i sing but i can't read music or anything so the idea of simple is good, all i need is to hear a tune and i've got it. So wel known tunes i'm thinking....any suggestions. The set will be about a half an hour, so we need to think of enough tofill that.....someone suggested car related tunes ie mustang sally...how complicated is that???????

PistonFest suggests the names the Gatzo's...what do you think?

You will need to bring your instruments and the relevant cableing. Guitars and stuff can fit in two seaters can't they????

>> Edited by Smirfette on Thursday 8th May 19:16

>> Edited by Smirfette on Thursday 8th May 19:23


11,956 posts

275 months

Thursday 8th May 2003
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If you need a rythm guitarist I am you man. As long as I have some moozik before hand!