Virtual office in Farringdon

Virtual office in Farringdon



Original Poster:

2,557 posts

284 months

Thursday 8th May 2003
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I'm looking to get a London office address for my new company around Farringdon. I don't want the expense of a full time office as i mostly work from home. Just need the address and a phone number. Also the ability to rent a meeting room if i need to meet clients.

Anyone got any experience of this type of setup ?


8,815 posts

273 months

Thursday 8th May 2003
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There's a company called Regus that does serviced office space across the world:

there's a whole bunch of Regus buildings in the City, but I'm not sure if it is too far for you (can't recall exactly how far East/North Farringdon is).

Hope that helps...

Size Nine Elm

5,167 posts

295 months

Thursday 8th May 2003
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Similar to Regus, Abbey Business Centres will do a virtual office - and you can hire meeting rooms if you need them too. London office is St Martins...


1,139 posts

295 months

Thursday 8th May 2003
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I used to use a company called metrocube who have been bought by MLS who have definitely got sites near farringdon. For something smarter try Argyll business centres.


Original Poster:

2,557 posts

284 months

Saturday 10th May 2003
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Cheers guys

I ended up using the busines center on the corner of Fleet St/Ludgate Circus, opposite City Thaneslink station. Should only take 45 mins from home. £135 for mail address and phone service - seems a bit steep, but i guess thats central London for you !


34 posts

263 months

Friday 23rd May 2003
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Is that £135 per month? It is hey.


778 posts

264 months

Friday 23rd May 2003
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I'm paying 15 a month for my virtual office service (no phone, just mail). Company I'm with has 3 locations, 1 in SW, one in N1 and one somewhere else I can't remember.


4,490 posts

295 months

Monday 26th May 2003
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Hates_ said: I'm paying 15 a month for my virtual office service (no phone, just mail). Company I'm with has 3 locations, 1 in SW, one in N1 and one somewhere else I can't remember.

Care to share the company?

Whats the deal with the mail, do you collect it or is it sent out to you?

