Fuel pump claen ??

Fuel pump claen ??



Original Poster:

70 posts

269 months

Tuesday 15th April 2003
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Is it possible to clean out the fuel pump, or can you reverse flush it by reversing the wiring, anyone got any ideas?


26,902 posts

276 months

Wednesday 16th April 2003
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The pump is a sealed unit; petrol is one of the best cleaning agents known to man. If it's blocked with something that petrol can't shift, it's probably going to stay that way. If you reverse the wires it will run backwards, however after all this time the commutator will have worn to a certain profile and running it backwards may shave the motor brushes off rather rapidly. There's also a non-return valve in the outlet side to hold the fuel rail pressure, so you wouldn't get anything to pass through the pump anyway.

Hope this helps,



21,563 posts

295 months

Wednesday 16th April 2003
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If you have fueling problems - try injector cleaner
first ... one of the commercial ones lets you
put in 1/2 of a bottle a one go.

It worked for me when I ran out of petrol one time !


Original Poster:

70 posts

269 months

Wednesday 16th April 2003
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Cheers chaps, not having any problems, just running out of things to do!