folding seats on 3 series? (E30 and E36)

folding seats on 3 series? (E30 and E36)



Original Poster:

21,548 posts

253 months

Tuesday 13th February 2007
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Do the rear seats fold on the E30 and/or E36 3 series? I didn't think they did, but someone told me it may have been an option?


5,216 posts

254 months

Tuesday 13th February 2007
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7,726 posts

294 months

Tuesday 13th February 2007
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They didnt on my e30 318iS.


27 posts

222 months

Tuesday 13th February 2007
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My E36 M3 Evo the seat's fold down for def and my bro's M3 is the same


7,897 posts

231 months

Tuesday 13th February 2007
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They don't on my E30 M3.


17,113 posts

275 months

Tuesday 13th February 2007
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They do in my E36 coupe thumbup 50/50 split and no fannying about

God Of Hell Fire

6 posts

217 months

Tuesday 13th February 2007
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Yeah 'P' reg E36 328i Coupe do!!


16,925 posts

222 months

Tuesday 13th February 2007
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They didn't in my E36 M3 Evo saloon...


12,058 posts

275 months

Tuesday 13th February 2007
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E30 saloon doesn't, but touring probably does. Was an option on all subsequent ones.

GTS Turbo

246 posts

236 months

Tuesday 13th February 2007
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on E36 coupe's some do and some don't mine has the ones that don't annoyingly
not sure but i think it may have been an option?