re - upholstering


airborne midget

Original Poster:

126 posts

223 months

Wednesday 24th January 2007
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Anyone know where is best in North East/ Newcastle area to get steering wheel re - upholsted went to Northumbrian Leather in Heaton in Newcastle, he said he used to send to Blackpool or has anyone got one for sale.

Cheers Midget


11,191 posts

266 months

Wednesday 24th January 2007
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They come up on ebay regularly. I don't know of anyone local who could recover it for you, I would seek out a local traditional cobbler.


Original Poster:

126 posts

223 months

Wednesday 24th January 2007
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Cheers Bob, will have a look


MeLLoN Stu

21,410 posts

226 months

Wednesday 31st January 2007
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kish in sunderland are very very good with upholstery.
if memory serves they're on the leechmere industrial estate, give em a bell