Good rolling road tuners in NE?

Good rolling road tuners in NE?



Original Poster:

7,166 posts

230 months

Saturday 28th October 2006
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I've bought a little plaything for the weekends (Midget) and I'm having trouble with poor running at low revs (jerkiness mainly) and plug fouling. It's got a warmed over 1275 A Series engine with Weber 45DCOE. One suggestion has been to get it on a rolling road and have someone who knows their way around a Weber (I certainly don't) have a fiddle.

Can anyone recommend a tuning company in the Tyne Tees area who have a good rep with this sort of thing?




1,308 posts

248 months

Saturday 28th October 2006
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Bit south but pock certainly knows his way round 'real' engines


2,760 posts

253 months

Saturday 28th October 2006
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Automark of Stokesley, 01642 714200


539 posts

247 months

Saturday 28th October 2006
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Steer clear of A19 Tuning, rip off merchants and rubbish.


65 months

Saturday 28th October 2006
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McDonald Racing in Lanchester did a very good job with the Webers on my Tiger.


Original Poster:

7,166 posts

230 months

Monday 30th October 2006
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Thanks for those ideas - I'll follow them up.

passenger gez

523 posts

222 months

Monday 30th October 2006
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My family has always used R&P Woods in Newcastle for servicing and maintenace of prformance cars. They are a Turbo Technics dealer, and as far as i can remember do rolling roads etc. You just have to pop down and see the standard of cars they are working on to appreciate that this is a fantastic and well trusted family run garage.

R & P Woods
172a, Newton Rd, Newcastle, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear NE7 7HP
Tel: 0191 2810748


26,902 posts

276 months

Monday 30th October 2006
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If the plugs are fouling I'd be checking compression, ignition timing and general HT health first, then get the carb stripped-down and everything blown through...