RE: T350 for Tuscan Challenge

RE: T350 for Tuscan Challenge

Tuesday 11th March 2003

T350 for Tuscan Challenge

T350C expected to join TVR race series later this year

2003 looks like being a landmark year for the TVR Tuscan Challenge. Since its launch in 1988 the Tuscan Racer has provided some of the most entertaining motorsport around.

Now it looks like the writing could be on the wall for the venerable V8 powered racer. This year we expect to see a TVR T350C join the Tuscan Challenge. A T350C racer is under development in Blackpool and although it's unlikely to join the series from the start, we expect it to be wheeled out during the season.

With a similar power output and similar weight, A T350 should provide an easy match for the old brutes. Where we do expect it to shine is in the handling department however. New TVRs have come a long way and have much crisper, more direct handling than their older brothers.

The first T350s will no doubt join the Championship later this year and in time they are likely to replace the Tuscans completely.

It makes a lot of sense for TVR in the long run. From a marketing point of view, the spectacle of current model cars racing is far preferable. As the old saying goes: race on Sunday - sell on Monday.

How quickly teams select the newer cars will primarily depend on budgets. Don't write off the Tuscan just yet.


Original Poster:

2,820 posts

289 months

Tuesday 11th March 2003
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I am not so sure about this! And how did No.5 know before Tuscan29??? It should add extra interest. The person most qualified to speak on this is Tuscan29.



9,238 posts

289 months

Tuesday 11th March 2003
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Sounds great!!

hang on!! that looks like my bloody car!!


120 posts

259 months

Tuesday 11th March 2003
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On behalf of 29 we think he knew about this back in January when TVR told him that they couldn't build him two cars for the new GT cup class, he said then, " just watch, Tvr will build one and run it in the Challenge" It seems he was right!! Mind you, it does make a lot of sense to run a race series with up to date TVR's rather then 15 year old monsters, but there is life in the old Tuscans yet and they will take some beating!!


9,238 posts

289 months

Tuesday 11th March 2003
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hawthorns said: On behalf of 29 we think he knew about this back in January when TVR told him that they couldn't build him two cars for the new GT cup class, he said then, " just watch, Tvr will build one and run it in the Challenge" It seems he was right!! Mind you, it does make a lot of sense to run a race series with up to date TVR's rather then 15 year old monsters, but there is life in the old Tuscans yet and they will take some beating!!

Thing is though, it's a fair possibilty with the superior handling and similar power (if they use the 400bhp S6) that the T350 will piss all over the older Tuscans....and it won't be long before all the teams are crying out for one. To be honest, I have always enjoyed watching the Tuscan's immensley, but they ARE 15 years old and the series is a need of modernisation and a good re-vamp. This would really be the way to go and maybe we will even see a T350 at Le Mans in the future???

>> Edited by flasher on Tuesday 11th March 18:01


120 posts

259 months

Tuesday 11th March 2003
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Have to agree with you Flasher, in time the T350 will out perform the old Tuscans but to start with Tvr will take their time and make the car work as it should.If they put a top driver in like Guges or Jay then things will happen much quicker, but from what we hear P.W. will drive, not to race it as such, more to oversee it's development.


892 posts

289 months

Tuesday 11th March 2003
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Please, please let me drive the baest


1,426 posts

274 months

Wednesday 12th March 2003
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The noise, smell and looks of the Tuscan hammering round I would say are still better than the T350C - IMHO of course - It would be a shame to see the old girls written off, though logic does dictate that in order to sell more T350's you have to promote them and racing will promote the car.

The very fact the cars are 15yrs old and have wayward handling, can be a nightmare to control and demand respect to be driven quickly makes them exciting, not sure that the T350C being a 'tin-top' will have the same thrills as the open cars, we could end up with a sanitised race series


13,245 posts

285 months

Wednesday 12th March 2003
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hawthorns said: Have to agree with you Flasher

Theres something you don't read very often
And just think all those old Tuscan racers being made into road cars Or I'm sure there would be another series they could fit into


120 posts

259 months

Wednesday 12th March 2003
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raceboy said:

hawthorns said: Have to agree with you Flasher

Theres something you don't read very often
And just think all those old Tuscan racers being made into road cars Or I'm sure there would be another series they could fit into

29 The old Tuscans will no doubt continue to run and race for a few years yet, I would guess at 3 seasons which takes us up to 2006. Not many of the teams and individuals involved in the series can afford to hand over £50k or whatever for a new race car, but it all depends on what TVR want, for at the end of the day ,they own the series and can dictate how they want it to run. I also think that it will be very difficult to better the excitement/entertainment value that Tuscans provide to both drivers and spectators alike. You can't stop progress, but it's sad to see the now certain, albeit gradual demise of a much loved and respected, totally unpredictable,yet amazing race car. I have a special relationship with my car, to some people that may sound sad or even weird but for the last 4 years "she" has kept me safe and has done all that I have asked of "her", so It's not hard for me to admit that I love the car to bits!!!....... maybe I need to get out more!


Original Poster:

2,820 posts

289 months

Wednesday 12th March 2003
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Rod, What do you think about the idea of Tuscans racing on the oval at Rockingham?



120 posts

259 months

Wednesday 12th March 2003
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29 As you know James, we do half of it in our normal races and that's bad enough, that wall is bloody close!! The problem would require a complete set up change to feel a bit more comfortable but what worries me more is the number of "wall Hits" we would suffer, accident damage could be mega!!!!!!


Original Poster:

2,820 posts

289 months

Wednesday 12th March 2003
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The reason why I bought this up; is because I am not so sure about ASCAR and the TVR Tuscans offer better value for the paying public.



1,353 posts

272 months

Wednesday 12th March 2003
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James mate, I think you are just a touch bias towards Tuscans, which I'm sure most of us that race them will forgive you for, so are we!!! but, I don't think you can compare the two. Ascars or Nascars have more people in their teams then we have supporters!! A lot of Tvr types "talk" Motorsport, but do they "walk" and attend races? With the notable exception of P.H. members and some Tvr owners club supporters, your average Tvr motorsport fan may go to 2/3 races at best during the season provided he doesn't have to travel more than 50 miles,as he won't be driving his Tvr, because he has to take the family for a day out, and they can't all fit in. With the seating capacity at Rockingham, I think we might just fill up one row.


1,018 posts

289 months

Wednesday 12th March 2003
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I think that's realistic, Tuscan 29, and I for one am glad as for me oval racing is boring compared with a tangle of Tuscans fighting their way down the Craner Curves or round Quarry!

I will be sad when the Tuscans go , they rate as some of the best motorsport I've seen so I hope they'll roar on a while longer, but I can see that the factory will want current cars on the grid in the future.

Looking forward to April (attended eight races last season, all in the TVR - do I get a Blue Peter badge??)


Original Poster:

2,820 posts

289 months

Wednesday 12th March 2003
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NASCAR is spectacular and has two series running with full grids. ASCAR however is a poor immitation and the TUSCANs represent the nearest thing we have to NASCAR. Also the TVR Tuscans are home grown and 100% British. One of the NASCAR rules is that cars must be built in the USA. I did mention this to John Ried and he was enthusiastic about the oval thing. Mind you with an increased accident parts bill, he would be! Anyway Jay Shepherd knows how to drive ovals. It would provide great entertainment.



1,068 posts

289 months

Wednesday 12th March 2003
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It has to be said part of the specticle of the Tuscans is the fact that they are clearly a handfull for the drivers. I'm sure adding T350's or having a separate race series (when enough teams are rounded up) will be a great idea, but let's keep the Tuscans for a while yet eh??

I saw some of the goodwood revival on telly last year and the scrap between the cobra and the e-type had me on the edge of my seat yelling at the screen. Thats what the tuscans do.

Just my opinion


1,353 posts

272 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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caro said: I think that's realistic, Tuscan 29, and I for one am glad as for me oval racing is boring compared with a tangle of Tuscans fighting their way down the Craner Curves or round Quarry!

29 1st of april, full days testing @Donnington, can't wait It's been a long winter!!!!

Looking forward to April (attended eight races last season, all in the TVR - do I get a Blue Peter badge??)

29 Fresh out of BPB's, but you or for that matter any PH members are more then welcome to drop in on us at any of the coming meetings, we always have time, tea, and shelter for "Ted's Boys" Sorry Ted, was I supposed to say " Buy" a PH T-shirt so we can recognise you, or do we just look out for....


1,426 posts

274 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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hawthorns said: it's sad to see the now certain, albeit gradual demise of a much loved and respected, totally unpredictable,yet amazing race car. I have a special relationship with my car, to some people that may sound sad or even weird but for the last 4 years "she" has kept me safe and has done all that I have asked of "her", so It's not hard for me to admit that I love the car to bits!!!....... maybe I need to get out more!

Nah you don't need to get out more. When I car was 'killed' at the last race of the season (the start of race 1 Doinington last year) I was gutted, not only for Rob who was driving, or for the rest of the team, but for the loss of the car, she'd been great all year, was starting to look a little bit beat up and sorry for herself but she was still there alive and kicking - alas no more poor all girl


120 posts

259 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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d_drinks said:

Nah you don't need to get out more. When I car was 'killed' at the last race of the season (the start of race 1 Doinington last year) I was gutted, not only for Rob who was driving, or for the rest of
the team, but for the loss of the car.

29.....Thanks for the "sanity" check, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who thinks the same way. That was a bad day because not only was Rob's car "killed", but the other car involved, Jan Persson's car "died" dispite all efforts to save her. She did however want any useable parts to be donated to help any other cars in the "stable". This car was JCW's first race car so she won quite a few races in her time, bloody shame, but that's racing.


1,018 posts

289 months

Thursday 13th March 2003
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TUSCAN 29 said:
29 Fresh out of BPB's, but you or for that matter any PH members are more then welcome to drop in on us at any of the coming meetings, we always have time, tea, and shelter for "Ted's Boys"

And Ted's Girls too I hope?? ;-) I do have a PH fleece but am usually in a flying jacket at races as the wind is a bit brisk in places like Donington!