What a turn out, there were some good looking machinery on view. Particularly liked the KnightRider KITT car, complete with full working digital dashboard. The owner had built it himself using bits of mdf, but it looked very effective.
Was good to actually talk to the owner of the Ferrari F430 that I've erm, driven with a couple of times and also the owners of the Dodge Ram and the silver Griff 500 - top fella's that had lots of time to chat with.
Good to see a few PH'ers there aswell with a pretty good turn out of TVR's and a few Lotus (noticed Britten_Mark's car, but didn't see him) and of course the little yellow flying machine
- I could have took either the Lincoln or the TVR and still have blended in, but tonight was an American night, so had to oblige.
Was good to actually talk to the owner of the Ferrari F430 that I've erm, driven with a couple of times and also the owners of the Dodge Ram and the silver Griff 500 - top fella's that had lots of time to chat with.
Good to see a few PH'ers there aswell with a pretty good turn out of TVR's and a few Lotus (noticed Britten_Mark's car, but didn't see him) and of course the little yellow flying machine

Edited by Byff on Wednesday 13th September 23:05
First time last night and have to day it was excellent!
Will be along to others in the future i am sure - nice to meet you there Byff - you will have to bring along your proper car next time!
KITT was quite funny...was there not two of them? What ever, one of them even spoke like KITT too! I liked the dodge chargers and that super charged vette...must have been about fifty cars?
Will be along to others in the future i am sure - nice to meet you there Byff - you will have to bring along your proper car next time!
KITT was quite funny...was there not two of them? What ever, one of them even spoke like KITT too! I liked the dodge chargers and that super charged vette...must have been about fifty cars?
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