Childrens Charity

Childrens Charity


viper paul

Original Poster:

2,485 posts

277 months

Monday 17th February 2003
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Two Vipers were present and if honest stars of the show with a Porcshe Cup car we ran from 1.00 to 4.00 pm and both gave over 10 rides, which raised nearly 1/3 rd of the total sum...... makes you feel so good.

P.S brakes now actually work with EBC pads, I can recommend Joel's combination of red on the front and green rears, works very well, not quite as much dust, just loads of smell.


10,005 posts

276 months

Tuesday 18th February 2003
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no fade this time i hope

viper paul

Original Poster:

2,485 posts

277 months

Tuesday 18th February 2003
quotequote all
Fade is only what a star like you will do!

No the brakes were perfect, unlike the track which had the usual marbles.

Nad a Sarah would have loved it, there was OVERTAKING....guy in the rally Mini said sorry I did not realise you were 60mph faster than me into the bends!

Guy in the Triumph Spitfire thought he had been passed by a Jet.