Tyre Pressure Sensors

Tyre Pressure Sensors



Original Poster:

14 posts

226 months

Thursday 25th May 2006
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I have just brought an E39 M5 and it would seem that the tyre pressure sensors are not working as when you press the button it shows'tyre control inactive'

Is there an easy fix for this or is it in to the dealer...?

Any help Appreciated.



1,429 posts

243 months

Friday 26th May 2006
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Chances are a sensor is goosed or someone has had the tyres changed in the past and not realised that it had the system and chucked the bolt in valves or sensors. Think they retail at around £60 a wheel from BMW.


8 posts

245 months

Monday 21st May 2007
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Hi, did you sort out the problem with the Tyre Contril Inactive Message?

I just had my front tyre fixed after a puncture and I get the same message...quite upsetting...

I would hate tp pay another 50-100 quid to the dealer to get ot sorted for no real reason...


Original Poster:

14 posts

226 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2007
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No still not sorted - if you manage ot get it resolved please let me know how you did it.

Many Thanks


35,295 posts

269 months

Tuesday 22nd May 2007
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There are no tyre sensors as such. The system works using the ABS and DSC sensors to detaect changes in the rolling radius of the wheels. It sounds as if the system just needs reinitialising. Put the key to position 2, press and hold the TPS button until the light comes on yellow/orange and drive off. When the light goes out, the system is initialised.