Mac OSX browsers which for PH?



Original Poster:

1,217 posts

290 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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I am having problems with page layout/functionality on my Mac when viewing PH (IE 5.2.2 & Netscape 7). What browsers/version do any other Mac owners use.



P.S. Anyone who even hints at getting a wintel box will get *serious* disrespect.


366 posts

272 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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Iuse ie under OS9, and apart from some of the links at the top of the page not working it seems OK, certainly no layout issues. Give Opera a try, I hear good things about that...


801 posts

273 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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P.S. Anyone who even hints at getting a wintel box will get *serious* disrespect.

Nah... try Linux, MMmm... that would be a Lintel


36,010 posts

295 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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8.6 (I know, I should upgrade) using netscape 7 and get occasional layout probs and one other that I have told Ted about.
Other wise seems fine.

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

269 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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I've got Mac OS X on my computer, but having had some teething problems with various things, I have reverted back to Mac OS 9 for now, until it gets more popular. All our clients and printers are still on 9 at the moment.

Sorry I've not been much help have I

Edited to add. I'm using Explorer 5.1 as my internet connection

>> Edited by Mrs Fish on Thursday 23 January 15:14


17,069 posts

282 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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OS9.1 - I don't want X because then most of our software could have to be upgraded costing megabucks ...

IE 5.2. too.

Don't get any probs really.

Look out for Safari – Apple's IE competitior – due soon. Just for OSX I think.

See it here

>> Edited by MikeyT on Thursday 23 January 15:19


12,425 posts

277 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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I'm using the Mozilla on Linux, which is the non-commercial basis for the Netscape Navigator.

As OS X is based on UNIX as well, behavior should be similar, I guess.

Get a copy here, to avoid using MS products:

P.S. Anyone who even hints at getting a wintel box will get *serious* disrespect.

[] If you're still not satisfied, upgrade your UNIX-kerneled-Macintosh to Linux, as it is already stable and will be so in future. It's platform-independent, so you don't have to stick to expensive stuff when you're upgrading. [/]
You don't have to buy Intel hardware, because Linux runs on everything which even looks similar to a computer (including PPC)


2,235 posts

287 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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I have been using Safari since the day it was announced at MacWorld SF. It's much quicker than IE, which, for some reason never displayed pics in PH. The only problem is in the reply page, the box for typing the reply is only about 1 pixel wide. But then it is beta software.

Chimaera(sp) browser doesn't display £ money. Opera is sloooow. Haven't tried netscape for a year so can't comment.

OSX Jaguar is much, muuuch more stable than 9. Had about one crash in a year. All old 9 apps run just fine in classic apart from one, where the dongle driver is unsupported. You do need a reasonably quick machine to run X on though. I have a dual 1ghz G4, it simultaneously prints, burns CDs, renders 3D, plays music while I browse PH without a hiccup.

Can't comment on Linux. I know it's stable, lean and fast but from what I understand it's ugly, not exactly pug and play, a pain to configure and update. Did mange to install X11 the other day and 'Open Office' runs fine, but this was out of curiosity. Once in the app of course, it's like working in windoze.


2,750 posts

295 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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Recently got an old G3 beige for free. I overclocked it, stuck some more RAM in, and stuffed OS X Jaguar on it, plus all the patches.

I'm impressed. It's very stable so far (which it ought to be, being Unix) and the user interface is more cohesive and easy to use than any Linux offering I've yet tinkered with. (Sorry Bodo, but Linux *still* isn't for ordinary users yet.)

No problems with Pistonheads on IE 5.2.2 either: I alternate between this PC and the Mac to browse the web.

Rosso Paul

1,080 posts

278 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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I'm using OSX 10.2.3 (Jaguar). Been on OSX for about 6 months. Superb - Mac NEVER crashes (I hope I don't regret typing that). Using IE 5.2.2 mostly, Netscape 7.1 occasionally. Both work fine except that often when I'm on PH I can't see the pics that people insert on threads when others on here obviously can see them. I get a white square with a red dot in the middle. Oddly enough I get the same when I log on using the manky old PC I've got. Often wondered why - is it more to do with where people are storing their images (Fontango etc) or could it be down to my ISP. Then again do I need to change a setting or two in my prefences. Questions, questions - any ideas anybody?
Back on topic. I've tried Safari but it's still only a beta version. Didn't seem too stable on my Mac although it does seem quick.

Rosso Paul

1,080 posts

278 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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MikeyT said: OS9.1 - I don't want X because then most of our software could have to be upgraded costing megabucks ...

If you have OSX on your Mac with OS9 (9.2.2 preferably) you can run your OS9 applications in Classic mode.
Some of the apps I use aren't OSX savvy yet but I haven't had any problems running them this way. You do need a big chunk of RAM though for it to work happily.


12,425 posts

277 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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Marshy said: (Sorry Bodo, but Linux *still* isn't for ordinary users yet.)

You've just made me a


1,085 posts

272 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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OS 9.2.2 and IE 5.1.

Always behaves impeccably, especially on PH – Ted's done a great job making the site fully Mac compatible.

Don't think I'll be moving to OS X in the foreseeable future thanks to Quark refusing to release a compatible version of XPress. The gits.


2,750 posts

295 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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Bodo said:You've just made me a

Hey - I *use* Linux too y'know. I just wouldn't want my Mum and Dad to try...


1,085 posts

272 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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Rosso Paul said:

MikeyT said: OS9.1 - I don't want X because then most of our software could have to be upgraded costing megabucks ...

If you have OSX on your Mac with OS9 (9.2.2 preferably) you can run your OS9 applications in Classic mode.
Some of the apps I use aren't OSX savvy yet but I haven't had any problems running them this way. You do need a big chunk of RAM though for it to work happily.

Once it's running it's not too bad but, Christ, I could build a new Mac while waiting for Classic to start up.

Rosso Paul

1,080 posts

278 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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If you have OSX on your Mac with OS9 (9.2.2 preferably) you can run your OS9 applications in Classic mode.
Some of the apps I use aren't OSX savvy yet but I haven't had any problems running them this way. You do need a big chunk of RAM though for it to work happily.

Once it's running it's not too bad but, Christ, I could build a new Mac while waiting for Classic to start up.

Strange - boots in about a minute mine when I start up.

>> Edited by Rosso Paul on Thursday 23 January 17:32


366 posts

272 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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wow, Mac nerds on Pistonheads!

So how RAM hungry do people find OSX? I am tempted to get it for my iBook, but am worried that it will bloat it out.


1,085 posts

272 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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Paul, have you changed any memory preferences to get it to start up quickly? How is your hard drive segmented?

It takes ages on my G4 and iBook (both RAMmed up to the top) to begin Classic. I find it quicker to restart, so I've stopped even bothering.


2,235 posts

287 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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Spoonman said:

Don't think I'll be moving to OS X in the foreseeable future thanks to Quark refusing to release a compatible version of XPress. The gits.

I use Quark, it runs fine under classic. Having said that, I'm in the process of designing/publishing a book and have ported 75 pages straight into InDesign without a hitch. After using InDesign for about a week you realize what a tired old, has been app Quark is/was?

As for Classic start up times I get, with a full set of ext's 25 secs, but with a minimum set, enough to run PS Quark etc, I can get it down to 7 secs.

Rosso Paul

1,080 posts

278 months

Thursday 23rd January 2003
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mervynP said: wow, Mac nerds on Pistonheads!

So how RAM hungry do people find OSX? I am tempted to get it for my iBook, but am worried that it will bloat it out.

It does like RAM. Minimum requirement is 256mb. 512mb is plenty unless you're in graphics, video or music. I'm in graphics and have stuck 1.5gb in mine. I don't think it's too expensive - I think I paid about £100, or so, for 1gb.