RECALL - important info

RECALL - important info



Original Poster:

10,005 posts

276 months

Tuesday 19th November 2002
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Just been speaking to Joel, he believes a mechanic from Dodge Woodhouse (USA) is coming over to the UK to carry out the call back work on all vipers (year doesn't make a difference), for steering and differentials re-inforcement, the work is carried out free of charge so no parts or labour costs, most likely he will be working from a Chrysler dealership. It is a recommended fix that everyone should have done.

Any owner interested in having the work carried out please email sending at the moment just you're full name and VIN number, found either on you're log book or on the drivers side window screen plate.

No doubt this will speed things up as most probably don't even know of the problem. Joel came about this information after speaking to the mechanic at VOI meet in the US


>>> Edited by viper on Tuesday 19th November 17:41


256 posts

261 months

Tuesday 19th November 2002
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Thanks for the info Neil & Joel!
I had no idea there was such a thing .

viper paul

2,485 posts

277 months

Wednesday 20th November 2002
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Guys and Gals,

Don't panic I will try to co-ordinate what is actually happening in the UK. AT present the RE-Call people at Chrysler in the UK know nothing about this, and I have requested that they check with the European HQ to find out the facts.

Therefore nothing will happen.

I will when the time is right do a mailout to everyone whose details I have both past and present owners and collect what ever information Chrysler UK require.

I will of course ensure that you do want your details passed on.


2,984 posts

286 months

Tuesday 26th November 2002
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Help!!!!!!!!,What should i do....if it ain,t broken fix it or not.Kit and 89 page info pack on upgrades in and Viper booked in for 3 Dec...What to do Please Help!Joel? Neil? Nad? Paul?...


2,984 posts

286 months

Tuesday 26th November 2002
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Look forward to any helpful info


2,984 posts

286 months

Tuesday 26th November 2002
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Confused Viper owner!Really i am!


Original Poster:

10,005 posts

276 months

Tuesday 26th November 2002
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get the kit off the dealer, store it and wait and see what pans out over the next few months, or be that Guinea Pig

Either way I think its a must, for your own piece of mind and all that

>> Edited by viper on Tuesday 26th November 19:38


640 posts

260 months

Thursday 28th November 2002
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Nancy from Woodhouse has been in regular contact with me over the last few days. All 8 VINs that I sent her are open for recall, in addition, the GTSR has a recall on the seat belts which the owner probably doesn't know about !! Latest was an email tonight asking about a potential workshop location with lift and welding equipment. We all know this may not pan out but it seems to be the most interest shown too date. I hope it works out.


2,984 posts

286 months

Thursday 28th November 2002
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Nice one Joel!Keep at it!