SPOTTED on A38 Friday
Yellow (i think) new shape Elise heading north at about 8-9 pm. Anyone here? I was the silver TVR Griff that you pulled submissively
over to let past when your motor maxed out. Sorry for going so slowly myself, but that bit of road has one or two lethal bumps that would send the Griff airborne
at anything over 3000 revs.

Houston we have a problem - one of our TVR unguided missile is out of control - astronaut appears to be suffering from a surfeit of excessive straight line speed and appears to be gaining little satisfaction from negotiating bends at less than pedestrian pace. A38 is a loverly straight road - perfect for your dragster, try staying with an Elise matey on the bendy bits
, Cat & Fiddle, Snakey Pass, etc, etc - why is it that, on the rare occasions you come up behind a TVR on these roads - do they suddenly stop to admire the scenery (happened twice to me Griff & Chim)
? Reason is Brunel's wrought iron chassis design not so special where it really counts is it? Keep goin to Santa Pod MasterBlaster, circuit racing for me.

Turning in a TVR is easy - you just apply some throttle and round she goes
I was glad the S2 pulled out of the way though, clearly knew it was beaten, though it was quite nippy for a 2.0 litre. What's that? 1.8 litres? Didn't know they made engines that small!
I just thought us British cars should stick together you know... What's that? Indonesian??! Get away!

I just thought us British cars should stick together you know... What's that? Indonesian??! Get away!

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