Eindhoven - see, do, drink, eat?

Eindhoven - see, do, drink, eat?



Original Poster:

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251 months

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I’ve got a few days (Saturday-Thursday) in Eindhoven in early May.

I know it’s not a huge city and I’m already aware of the Philips and DAF museums.

Any recommendations for stuff to see/do and places to eat/drink. I’d rather go to independent places than chains and we will be reliant on Shank’s pony/public transport. We are staying at the Westcord hotel, reasonably close to the railway station/city centre.


59 posts

2 months

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If you are into Trappist Beer then the La Trappe monastery is a fabulous place to visit. I went a few years ago for a beer/food pairing experience and remember (most of it) very fondly drink


Original Poster:

13,095 posts

251 months

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FlyVintage said:
If you are into Trappist Beer then the La Trappe monastery is a fabulous place to visit. I went a few years ago for a beer/food pairing experience and remember (most of it) very fondly drink
I can now close delete the thread!


59 posts

2 months

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If you get the opportunity, their oak barrel aged quadruple remains probably my favourite Trappist beer. It’s not always available as it’s produced/matured infrequently for obvious reasons. However, if it is, definitely don’t miss out for the few extra euros on top of an already amazing beer lineup.


Original Poster:

13,095 posts

251 months

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FlyVintage said:
If you get the opportunity, their oak barrel aged quadruple remains probably my favourite Trappist beer. It’s not always available as it’s produced/matured infrequently for obvious reasons. However, if it is, definitely don’t miss out for the few extra euros on top of an already amazing beer lineup.
Is it the abbey/brewery just outside Tilburg, or is there one closer to Eindhoven?


59 posts

2 months

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There is only one and yes, on the near side of Tilburg to Eindhoven. We were also staying in Eindhoven at the time and it’s only a taxi ride (or direct bus).

I remember waiting in the monastery car park for our return taxi to arrive and seeing many of the participants of our tour pile into their cars and merrily drive off! We must have downed many many beers by then of very high ABV. We didn’t see any ditched cars on the way back to our hotel, but I could barely walk in a straight line, let alone drive.

Nico Adie

644 posts

54 months

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Get Kapsalon from a kebab shop, absolute pure filth, magnificent

Dog Star

16,813 posts

179 months

Eindhoven is probably my favourite city - absolutely fab place. When we were kids going on family holidays to Spain with our parents with a caravan we met a same aged bunch of lads from Eindhoven on the site. This was 1983. We’ve remained best friends ever since, still do the holidays, go to Eindhoven to visit them, do Xmas market trips, and in July all motorbiking to Chimay to watch classic bike racing. Early 90s I lived in France so Eindhoven was a regular weekend destination.

The place is absolutely massive so no point in recommending any one restaurant or bar, but nightlife is epic - go drinking on the Statumseind - about a mile of bars, or if you’re a bit older (as we are now) there are plenty of squares etc. where it’s a bit quieter. Vast choice of shops too - Mrs DS loves it as she’s 6’3” and can get tall women’s clothes.

sideways man

1,463 posts

148 months

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Another vote for the La Trappe monastery. My Mrs drove, so I had her share of the free beer plus a few more. Excellent.