This City is Ours



Original Poster:

3,001 posts

147 months

Tuesday 25th March
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On BBC iPlayer, I've watched the first 2 episodes and it's pretty gripping.

Northern gangster family tearing itself apart after a container of coke is compromised.

Casting is convincing. Sean Bean the aging paterfamilias, James Nelson-Joyce plays Michael, the heir apparent and Saoirse-Monica Jackson his obsession.

The photography is ace, the mood is dark, things are tense.


20,270 posts

138 months

Tuesday 25th March
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Yep definitely worth watching I binged 3 episodes last night up to 6 now. Gets a touch slow in the mid episodes unfortunately but livens up again so worth sticking with.

The scouse accents do grate a bit but the acting is good although I found Sean Bean rather unconvincing at times.

Also rather a let down car chase into the Mersey tunnel involving a Mini stuffed with gear in a later episode where the car remarkably changes colour before it is totalled in a crash lol.

Rather a budget Kin but a good effort for sure.

willy wombat

1,007 posts

159 months

Wednesday 26th March
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Up to episode 4 and really enjoying it.


5,321 posts

155 months

Wednesday 26th March
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Not sure about this after Ep1, feels a bit like Brookside with Guns.


973 posts

22 months

Wednesday 26th March
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Please tell me there's a 'Barry' as one of the main characters?

Alright laa!


20,270 posts

138 months

Wednesday 26th March
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Yep Jamies thicko sidekick Boneface whatever he's called fits the Scouser stereotype perfectly.


885 posts

81 months

Wednesday 26th March
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Does Sean Bean die? Or rather, at what point does he die?


1,524 posts

121 months

Wednesday 26th March
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Just finished it and thought it was very good, well worth a watch.


5,321 posts

155 months

Wednesday 26th March
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Lo-Fi said:
Does Sean Bean die? Or rather, at what point does he die?
We all die mate its a fact of life


16,259 posts

225 months

Wednesday 26th March
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Only one episode in at the moment but it looks good.


885 posts

81 months

Wednesday 26th March
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fourstardan said:
Lo-Fi said:
Does Sean Bean die? Or rather, at what point does he die?
We all die mate its a fact of life
That is true. Well, one of us may be the exception, who knows? But poor Sean Bean dies pretty regularly. He's getting quite good at it.


554 posts

67 months

Wednesday 26th March
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3eps in, enjoying it so far. I’ve even got the wife watching it so it must be good!


1,919 posts

218 months

Wednesday 26th March
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6 mins in, said it all for me. I'm out of here!


5,321 posts

155 months

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Lo-Fi said:
That is true. Well, one of us may be the exception, who knows? But poor Sean Bean dies pretty regularly. He's getting quite good at it.
He is getting on a bit, I can't see much Alpha male boss figure in this one, just an old boy who is hen pecked by the bird who has had her teeth fixed now!


7,487 posts

218 months

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and not one of them has heard of cell site analysis, using their phones on right next to the drugs and victims


5,321 posts

155 months

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andymc said:
and not one of them has heard of cell site analysis, using their phones on right next to the drugs and victims
Yes that cracked me up "Do you want to listen to me shooting him".....


2,496 posts

206 months

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andymc said:
and not one of them has heard of cell site analysis, using their phones on right next to the drugs and victims
That does seem to be quite true to life:


2,534 posts

187 months

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Watched this over two nights, really enjoyed it!


6,424 posts

216 months

quotequote all
Really enjoying it . Yeah its a bit flawed , but im gripped

Mr Squarekins

1,235 posts

73 months

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Lo-Fi said:
Does Sean Bean die? Or rather, at what point does he die?
The Orks catch up with him. Lots of arrows. Brown bread.

... oh. Wait.