Garage Build Costs


mark seeker

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849 posts

218 months

Thursday 20th March
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I wondered if anyone has any recent experience of a garage build, my folks are looking to extend their current garage to which they've been told it might be easier to knock the existing one down and start again?

Dimension wise they are looking to go roughly 3.3m wide and 12m long (they can't go any wider) - they are currently being told to expect £2.5k per m2? I'm sure if this is because they are getting on a little and people are taking advantage or if £2.5k per m2 for a single skin garage is actually what things cost nowadays (getting on for £100k seems ludicrous or am I just out of touch?)


4,125 posts

199 months

Thursday 20th March
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We are just about to build a new detached double garage, 6m x 6m using a timber frame, wood clad and steel roof, expecting to come in somewhere between £15k and £20k all in.

mark seeker

Original Poster:

849 posts

218 months

Thursday 20th March
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skeeterm5 said:
We are just about to build a new detached double garage, 6m x 6m using a timber frame, wood clad and steel roof, expecting to come in somewhere between £15k and £20k all in.
Appreciate that, they are getting couple of other quotes but I would have expected their build to be a lot less than £100k!

Hugo Stiglitz

38,814 posts

222 months

Thursday 20th March
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I'm guessing it's inner London?

mark seeker

Original Poster:

849 posts

218 months

Thursday 20th March
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Hugo Stiglitz said:
I'm guessing it's inner London?
Suffolk / Essex border


16,704 posts

283 months

Thursday 20th March
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Seems high, unless they are asking for something out of the ordinary


15,748 posts

208 months

Friday 21st March
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skeeterm5 said:
We are just about to build a new detached double garage, 6m x 6m using a timber frame, wood clad and steel roof, expecting to come in somewhere between £15k and £20k all in.
And when I have looked, most suggestions point to a brick/block built garage being cheaper than a timber frame, assuming to oak frame I guess there.

But yeah, I would be expecting more like £20k or even 30k than £100k! Which seems mad.

mark seeker

Original Poster:

849 posts

218 months

Friday 21st March
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Hugo Stiglitz said:
I'm guessing it's inner London?
Suffolk / Essex border

mark seeker

Original Poster:

849 posts

218 months

Friday 21st March
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dhutch said:
And when I have looked, most suggestions point to a brick/block built garage being cheaper than a timber frame, assuming to oak frame I guess there.

But yeah, I would be expecting more like £20k or even 30k than £100k! Which seems mad.
I sort of maybe, maybe could see £40k, but yes, not £2.5k per m2!


235 posts

2 months

Friday 21st March
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skeeterm5 said:
We are just about to build a new detached double garage, 6m x 6m using a timber frame, wood clad and steel roof, expecting to come in somewhere between £15k and £20k all in.
Just out of curiosity why are you opting for a steel roof?
Thought that might cause condensation.


4,125 posts

199 months

Friday 21st March
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M138 said:
Just out of curiosity why are you opting for a steel roof?
Thought that might cause condensation.
We built an extension on the house which has a steel roof so it was to make it look similar-ish. The rest of the construction will be wood framing with larch cladding, again to match the extension and a pitched roof. We are planning to use insulated steel for the roof to try and minimise any real condensation.

We live in the Highlands so it is also likely to be pretty well ventilated! smile

Although having said that the garage will be about 100m away from the house so maybe not such an issue for us in terms of matching.

dhutch said:
And when I have looked, most suggestions point to a brick/block built garage being cheaper than a timber frame, assuming to oak frame I guess there.

But yeah, I would be expecting more like £20k or even 30k than £100k! Which seems mad.
No to the oak frame as it won’t be seen so going to simply frame it out with structural timbers.

mark seeker

Original Poster:

849 posts

218 months

Friday 21st March
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dhutch said:
And when I have looked, most suggestions point to a brick/block built garage being cheaper than a timber frame, assuming to oak frame I guess there.

But yeah, I would be expecting more like £20k or even 30k than £100k! Which seems mad.
I sort of maybe, maybe could see £40k, but yes, not £2.5k per m2!


10,380 posts

37 months

Friday 21st March
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You can get a kit-built concrete thing for under £10k or maybe twice as much for a better looking wooden one.


39,841 posts

267 months

Friday 21st March
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Similar area...I'm just pulling together numbers for 6m x 13m and think that will be £50k-60k...including base, electrics, tiled roof etc.

Timber framed building itself is £40k or so.

Need to include demolition costs too.

Would your folks be using it for 2x cars? Or a car and storage? The former will be a ball ache IMO.


4,125 posts

199 months

Friday 21st March
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Murph7355 said:
Similar area...I'm just pulling together numbers for 6m x 13m and think that will be £50k-60k...including base, electrics, tiled roof etc.

Timber framed building itself is £40k or so.

Need to include demolition costs too.

Would your folks be using it for 2x cars? Or a car and storage? The former will be a ball ache IMO.
We will be using ours for 2 of our cars, they are cars that we use largely in the summer, but we do have a lot of barn space for storage,

Edited by skeeterm5 on Saturday 22 March 08:04


39,841 posts

267 months

Saturday 22nd March
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skeeterm5 said:
We will be using ours for 2 of our cars, they are cars that we use largely in the summer, but we do have a lot of barn space for storage,
6m x 6m is fine - a proper double.

3m x 12m as per OP dimensions is 2 cars in tandem only. A ball ache smile


13,592 posts

211 months

Sunday 23rd March
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2.5k per sqm sounds expensive to me, but it depends on the design. I think I will come out around 500 per sqm (if I can add up correctly...) detached, single brick, flat roof.

dhutch said:
And when I have looked, most suggestions point to a brick/block built garage being cheaper than a timber frame, assuming to oak frame I guess there.

But yeah, I would be expecting more like £20k or even 30k than £100k! Which seems mad.
I think the thing with block is you need to cover it - typically render, which isn't cheap and ultimately ends up looking grubby. Timber fine, but you need to maintain it.
Its worth looking for discounted bricks, I found some mis colours for 40p each, I don't need to colour match so they were fine. Brickies don't like mis-sized bricks though, so make sure they are standard size. The other thing several people mentioned independently is avoid LBC bricks.

Edited by Crafty_ on Sunday 23 March 10:28


10,380 posts

37 months

Sunday 23rd March
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Murph7355 said:
6m x 6m is fine - a proper double.

3m x 12m as per OP dimensions is 2 cars in tandem only. A ball ache smile
If you don't have space for a double garage, tandem is great for many people.
3m is wide enough for a car and a motorbike, or even just to get pushbikes past the car.
3m external is likely 2.6 clear inside though, which is

The 12m lenght is good for projects, vehicles than don't go out often, boats over winter etc.
Having to move the first car a few times a year would not bother me excessively, but you need somewhere to move it to,
36 sqm is a lot of space. Compared to many garages which have little free space once there's a car in there.


18,517 posts

182 months

Sunday 23rd March
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I was quoted £20k about 3 years ago for a small 3x4m single skin brick garage. For a 3.3x12m garage today you must be looking £50k, then add on the demolition and removal of the existing garage.

If you want budget then a concrete garage is considerably cheaper.


13,269 posts

217 months

Sunday 23rd March
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mark seeker said:
dhutch said:
And when I have looked, most suggestions point to a brick/block built garage being cheaper than a timber frame, assuming to oak frame I guess there.

But yeah, I would be expecting more like £20k or even 30k than £100k! Which seems mad.
I sort of maybe, maybe could see £40k, but yes, not £2.5k per m2!
£2.5k per m2 is give or take finished housebuilding cost levels. Daft for a garage. I'd be looking to get it finished for about £30k as well