Talk to me about piles
35 years old and my first time dealing with piles. What the f
k do i do?
To be fair, I've managed well to go 35 years given I do everything I shouldn't...lots of time on the toilet. Pushing hard. Holding it in until I get home...
I've got some analsol wipes and cream. Anything else that I can do? I'm struggling to get comfy!

To be fair, I've managed well to go 35 years given I do everything I shouldn't...lots of time on the toilet. Pushing hard. Holding it in until I get home...
I've got some analsol wipes and cream. Anything else that I can do? I'm struggling to get comfy!
Sheets Tabuer said:
While you're there you could push it back in for him.

uknick said:
Anusol worked fine for me the couple of times I've had them.
How long did it take if you can remember? Admittedly i only used it today for the first I being too hopeful that everything is sorted by the morning?! LosingGrip said:
Sheets Tabuer said:
While you're there you could push it back in for him.

uknick said:
Anusol worked fine for me the couple of times I've had them.
How long did it take if you can remember? Admittedly i only used it today for the first I being too hopeful that everything is sorted by the morning?! many years ago when I had a problem (could feel something up there and was painful) the Dr inserted his finger and said it was piles (or haemorrhoids) and told me to buy some Anusol cream and shove some up my bum. A few days later I felt the 'something' burst and a warn trickle of blood confirmed this. Problem over. Never had it since.
A500leroy said:
LosingGrip said:
Sheets Tabuer said:
While you're there you could push it back in for him.

uknick said:
Anusol worked fine for me the couple of times I've had them.
How long did it take if you can remember? Admittedly i only used it today for the first I being too hopeful that everything is sorted by the morning?! Innies are better than outies.
Grade 4 are flipping awful!
Currently suffering for what seems like ages.
Seem to have got them after a prostate examination. Had them a few times before(I’m 53) but they always went away fairly quick before.
Been since mid January it doesn’t feel like they are fully away can’t feel the lump anymore but still suffering from full on itchyness fairly regularly.
Seem to have got them after a prostate examination. Had them a few times before(I’m 53) but they always went away fairly quick before.
Been since mid January it doesn’t feel like they are fully away can’t feel the lump anymore but still suffering from full on itchyness fairly regularly.
The Gauge said:
many years ago when I had a problem (could feel something up there and was painful) the Dr inserted his finger and said it was piles (or haemorrhoids) and told me to buy some Anusol cream and shove some up my bum. A few days later I felt the 'something' burst and a warn trickle of blood confirmed this. Problem over. Never had it since.
Thank you for the mental image 
LosingGrip said:
Sheets Tabuer said:
While you're there you could push it back in for him.

uknick said:
Anusol worked fine for me the couple of times I've had them.
How long did it take if you can remember? Admittedly i only used it today for the first I being too hopeful that everything is sorted by the morning?! Gassing Station | Health Matters | Top of Page | What's New | My Stuff