Blackpool Thunder Closing

Blackpool Thunder Closing



Original Poster:

6,329 posts

184 months

Tuesday 18th March
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I never made it to any events, but was happy to be a member

Sad to see it close

We are writing to inform you that Blackpool Thunder Car Club will be closing its doors on 31st March 2025. After five successful years of bringing TVR enthusiasts together, the time has come to conclude the club’s activities.


10 posts

Tuesday 18th March
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Was the limited company ever solvent? I guess that it is just impossible to even cover costs and break even for small meet up events these days. I assume that the days of these type of clubs and meets are over, as there is just not the interest?


2,253 posts

209 months

Tuesday 18th March
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It seemed a bit 'Judean Peoples Front' and 'Peoples Front of Judea' to me.

I was never really sure of the point of it? Surely you just do the TVRCC stuff that suits. If there is politics that bother you in it, just put things into perspective and go to the pub.

Car clubs are a really hard sell these days- especially for a brand with the same, ageing cars. You can have plenty of fun through the multitude of other channels and there are plenty of free 'clubs' to meet at on a regular basis. I think its healthy for TVR people to socialise with non-TVR people often. However I do really enjoy my monthly meet with my TVRCC region.


979 posts

204 months

Wednesday 19th March
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The reason I joined them was that they could provide me with the build sheet for my car but I was then happy to stay a member.


50 posts

40 months

Friday 21st March
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Bummer, had some useful info. If they were already planning to close, the buggers took my subscription on the 4th March. That's £19 I won't be seeing again, but cheaper than the TVRCC.


44 posts

101 months

Friday 21st March
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They are doing refunds of membership subs. Screenshot of the relevant part of the email I received below.


269 posts

92 months

Friday 21st March
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Its serious health issues thats the driving force.
I wish Howard & Heather all the best.
I will not be re-joining the TVRCC.
Hope the archive goes to Motoclan or similar & not TVRCC.


2,253 posts

209 months

Saturday 22nd March
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fieryfred said:
Its serious health issues thats the driving force.
I wish Howard & Heather all the best.
I will not be re-joining the TVRCC.
Hope the archive goes to Motoclan or similar & not TVRCC.
I have no particular affiliation but what's the issue with tvrcc?


3,250 posts

106 months

Saturday 22nd March
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crosseyedlion said:
fieryfred said:
Its serious health issues thats the driving force.
I wish Howard & Heather all the best.
I will not be re-joining the TVRCC.
Hope the archive goes to Motoclan or similar & not TVRCC.
I have no particular affiliation but what's the issue with tvrcc?
Was wondering this myself, but didn't want to incur the wrath of the poster by asking!

The Three D Mucketeer

6,287 posts

238 months

Saturday 22nd March
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I was told (by the person who "recovered" the 3 ring binders of TVR Customer Build Sheets from the skip at Bristol Avenue) , that they were given to Blackpool Thunder on the basis that any money raised was given to charity . The TVRCC would seem to be the proper place for the historical records rather than a for profit business.
PS ... I have ALL the Tuscan Convertible Customer Spec sheets which I've been supplying scanned copies FREE for 20 years smile


801 posts

48 months

Saturday 22nd March
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I went to a couple of Blackpool Thunder events which were fun.

Wishing Howard and co all the best.


269 posts

92 months

Saturday 22nd March
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TwinKam said:
crosseyedlion said:
fieryfred said:
Its serious health issues thats the driving force.
I wish Howard & Heather all the best.
I will not be re-joining the TVRCC.
Hope the archive goes to Motoclan or similar & not TVRCC.
I have no particular affiliation but what's the issue with tvrcc?
Was wondering this myself, but didn't want to incur the wrath of the poster by asking!
You wont incur my wrath i have no axe to grind.
Alex i am not Dave Byron & have no time to argue.
TVRCC will charge more than any one else to access the archive.
They can prove me wrong by saying it will be FOC.
A regional RO i know would like to reply.
Light the blue touch paper & stand well back. flames

I just wont to drive the car while i still can.
Next step is an F Type auto.


2,253 posts

209 months

Saturday 22nd March
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fieryfred said:
You wont incur my wrath i have no axe to grind.
Alex i am not Dave Byron & have no time to argue.
It sounds like you do. And...weird comment.

The Three D Mucketeer

6,287 posts

238 months

Sunday 23rd March
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fieryfred said:
A regional RO i know would like to reply.
Why doesn't he ?

Number 7

4,109 posts

273 months

Wednesday 26th March
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My understanding is that the old club wanted the records for free, whereas the owner wasn't minded to give them away. They had their chance, and declined to buy them.


71,023 posts

228 months

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Number 7 said:
My understanding is that the old club wanted the records for free, whereas the owner wasn't minded to give them away. They had their chance, and declined to buy them.
So not that they want to charge for them? Just didn't want to pay the cost suggested to buy?


2,253 posts

209 months

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'Owner' - Didn't they find them?


1,021 posts

184 months

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What will happen to the Richard Thorpe trophy?