Driving from Austrian GP to Le Mans Classic

Driving from Austrian GP to Le Mans Classic



Original Poster:

125 posts

78 months

Tuesday 18th March
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Hi all,

I’ll be driving across to Austria in June for the F1 and also have tickets for the Le Mans Classic the following weekend.
Effectively I’ve got 3 nights (30th, 1st & 2nd) to get from where we are staying near Spielberg to the Airbnb in Le Mans.

I’d like to hit some good roads on the way back. So I was planning on doing Grossglockner on the way and then maybe slipping down to do Stelvio Pass as well. Im relatively easy with it to be honest though, so if there are any suggestions for roads to drive or good hotel stop off points (with decent parking!) id appreciate your insight!


578 posts

179 months

There are some cracking mountain roads in the west of Switzerland, just have a snoop about on google maps, but obviously you need to be cautious on the speed front. B500 in the Black Forest is great and you can try to divert off for a derestricted autobahn run too.


3,023 posts

162 months

You can stay at the top of GrossGlockner. We had this booked a couple of years ago, but had to cancel last minute as the road was closed due to snow. This was late May. I presume end of June will be fine.