tvr griffith 4ltr

tvr griffith 4ltr



Original Poster:

18 posts

7 months

Thursday 6th March
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Hi everyone just wondering how to get my hand on a fuse box, mine is water damaged and needs replacing any ideas? thanks


10,697 posts

236 months

Thursday 6th March
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If they are the same used in the T cars then I think they are Porsche 944. Not that it helps with a cheap source biglaugh


17,332 posts

194 months

Thursday 6th March
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Audi/VW I think, rare as hens teeth and not a straight swap it would appear!

Edited by phillpot on Saturday 8th March 07:33


10,174 posts

244 months

Friday 7th March
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How bad are we talking?
Could it be saved with a good clean?
They are almost impossible to obtain, maybe one from a breakers but they could have been sat around with water ingress too.


19,163 posts

232 months

Friday 7th March
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its 80's VAG Passat/Golf etc IIRC


Original Poster:

18 posts

7 months

Saturday 8th March
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thanks for the help yes it's bad it needs replacing it's causing loads of issues so need a replacement ASAP.


1,149 posts

295 months

Saturday 8th March
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Here's a solution, if a tad expensive:

Plus installation!


6,840 posts

279 months

Saturday 8th March
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Is the Cerbera one the same as for a Griff?


Original Poster:

18 posts

7 months

Saturday 8th March
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not sure if the cerebra one is the same. and I did see that link yes a pit expensive and says its not an easy exchange. thanks everyone I will keep looking.


10,174 posts

244 months

Saturday 8th March
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Try somewhere like north east sports salvage but as i said you have to be careful as some of their cars will have been sat outside for years if they dont have one on the shelf.


2,809 posts

210 months

Saturday 8th March
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249 posts

246 months

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Obviously would need further checking but the one on Motaclan page looks identical to this one...