University Rejection



Original Poster:

5,932 posts

257 months

Son just got a formal rejection from his preferred University today, he starts his mocks on Monday, which obviously isn't great timing as could potentially lose interest in his exams.

He was hoping to go to Durham to study Economics, which I appreciate is a competitive course, at a competitive University, but was his first choice as didn't want to go to Oxford/Cambridge of the London Universities.

Bit of a sh!t night for him to be honest, and has friends over later, but really hasn't said much as yet.

I'm guessing the Universities give reasons for rejections ? He is doing Maths, Further Maths, Physics & Economics at A Level, and projected A* in them all, and got straight 9's at GCSE's in his 11 (I think) exams. Obviously as a parent I think it seems harsh, but am sure there are reasons, so would just like to understand better.


3,928 posts

163 months

With grades like that he's not going to just suddenly lose interest.

It's a rubbish situation, but a lesson that things don't always work out (even if it's somewhat harsh and very undeserved).

I'd remind him that he's a smart lad, and wherever he goes he'll have the potential to do well, be it in economics or whatever takes his fancy.

Best of luck to him.


423 posts

157 months

I guess he maybe doing one of the University admissions exams also then, possibly TMUA. Its not the end of the world. Both of mine got rejections from one of the establishments you mentioned for economics and then maths. I'm from the provinces so originally went to a comparatively much lower graded uni but my best mate ended up doing a PHd at Oxford after under graduate. Its your job as parent to act as his coach. This is a minor set back but he can and WILL still do well so give him a bit of a gee up.

My second child is a bit on the spectrum and less embarrassed by others opinion on him so he was straight back in the rejecting Uni's face asking them why. Sent a few emails, made a few calls and elicited a response that was..."well stay in touch". I have coached him not to pin his hopes on it but asking never hurts. My eldest was much too shy to do that.

Arm round him, tell him you still love him and his effort still matters and get back on it after Friday night off!

BoRED S2upid

20,458 posts

251 months

I presume he’s had some offers? Which Uni’s?


9,064 posts

271 months

Get him to phone up the Admissions Tutor for the course, and ask for some feedback.

Could be something to do with the personal statement as predicted grades have been through the roof since COVID. Oh, to have the optimism of a teacher...

Uncle boshy

393 posts

80 months

Child #1 was rejected from both first and second choice and ended up in Edinburgh somewhere they’d never previously considered,

Now having graduated after a fantastic time, they can’t imagine having been anywhere else and settled there,

Sometimes these things, whilst frustrating at the time, turn out alright in the end


Original Poster:

5,932 posts

257 months

Fully appreciate this could be for the best, but he'd set his mind on Durham after not bothering with Oxford/Cambridge & LSE.

He's got offers from his 'back up' selections, which were Manchester & Nottingham, and awaiting Warwick & Bristol.