Breitling for my wife

Breitling for my wife


Meltham Terrier

Original Poster:

349 posts

144 months

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My wife is about to purchase a new watch and it is likely to be a Breitling as she really likes the styles and designs.

The watch is purchase in memory of her late father.

We have an appointment at the Breitling Boutique in Meadowhall on Saturday, after I called in yesterday.

The sales guy I was speaking to was offering 0% finance option , but when pushed, said that there was no room for negotiations in price if I didn't take the 0% option.

The Boutique is owned by WOS.

Should I expect to get some discount from an AD If I am a outright purchaser

So will I get a better deal elsewhere or do I just take the 0% and keep the cash in the bank

cheers Andrew


1,243 posts

112 months

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I don't have experience of Breitling, but always smile to confirm I like the piece and ask the polite question.

Last year at Berry's in York, I received a decent discount when treating myself to a deal trophy Omega.


946 posts

105 months

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Appointments to buy a Breitling? WoS are taking the pi$$

There is a cost to 0% finance for the dealer, so any discount you'd be getting is used up providing the finance.

Can you utilise a 0% credit card or balance transfer? That way you'd be able to ride both horses at once.

Super Sonic

8,096 posts

65 months

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Ask what discount you can get if you finance. If it's a good deal, finance then pay it all on the first payment, same as you would on a car.

Busa mav

2,736 posts

165 months

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I was in Brighton WOS a few weeks back , the guy suggested that everything there could possibly be had with a 10% discount once I made my choice.

Meltham Terrier

Original Poster:

349 posts

144 months

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Super Sonic said:
Ask what discount you can get if you finance. If it's a good deal, finance then pay it all on the first payment, same as you would on a car.
No discount. Apparently. Just the 0%. I had already asked the question if we just paid cash.

Meltham Terrier

Original Poster:

349 posts

144 months

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Dimebars said:
Appointments to buy a Breitling? WoS are taking the pi$$

There is a cost to 0% finance for the dealer, so any discount you'd be getting is used up providing the finance.

Can you utilise a 0% credit card or balance transfer? That way you'd be able to ride both horses at once.
I think the appointment is more about the temperature of the fizz than actually needing one to purchase.

When spending what will be for my wife a large sum , anything that makes her feel that bit more special is ok by me

Busa mav

2,736 posts

165 months

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Meltham Terrier said:
No discount. Apparently. Just the 0%. I had already asked the question if we just paid cash.
The Boutiques flatly refused any discount , but WOS were more than happy to talk.


12 posts

7 months

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Seems like a fair swap biglaugh


2,761 posts

221 months

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Discounts are there for the taking, particularly on Breitlings, Omegas etc.

I managed to get 15% off a new Omega at Fraser Hart not that long ago, and I am absolutely woeful at negotiating smile

If they won’t do it, go and buy one at the shop up the road… beauty of not having to do the Rolex pantomime thumbup

Super Sonic

8,096 posts

65 months

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Calington said:
Seems like a fair swap biglaugh


946 posts

105 months

Yesterday (11:29)
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You could always make the most of the appointment to try on different watches (and different glasses of fizz), then contact Dom Hackett & Hackett Watches who could probably supply you what you're after at a discount