Becoming Led Zeppelin film

Becoming Led Zeppelin film



Original Poster:

1,773 posts

189 months

Monday 24th February
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This is a great film.

It covers the band from the age of about 10 until the second album when they were 20 ish.

Absolutely brilliant stories and anecdotes.


2,991 posts

188 months

Monday 24th February
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Saw it recently at my local cinema. I thought it was brilliant. Was never a big Zeppelin fan back in the day but as I have grown older I have liked their music more. It's definitely something I would recommend people see.


17,778 posts

216 months

Monday 24th February
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Is it cinemas only?

Mark V GTD

2,509 posts

135 months

Monday 24th February
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Saw the trailer and looks like a fantastic film.


690 posts

74 months

Monday 24th February
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We luckily caught it on the last showing at our local cinema, it only had a short run. I’ve been a Zeppelin fan from the start and loved it. Great to see John Paul Jones having plenty of interview time as well as Plant and Page. He seems like a really interesting articulate guy. It only goes from the start of the band ( a bit earlier actually) to the second album so hopefully plenty of material for the future.

Nick Forest

216 posts

94 months

Monday 24th February
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Good film, managed to catch it the other week in my local cinema on what was a very limited showing. Good news was there were about 8 of us in the entire cinema!

Only gripe was that I didn’t think the Odeon had the volume up to 11!

Deep Thought

36,983 posts

208 months

Tuesday 25th February
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Didnt get to see it in the cinema but looking forward to watching it.

Anyone know which streaming service its coming to?

EDIT: Just had a root around - seems to be suggesting its coming to Netflix in June, and the Blu Ray release will be April.

Mark V GTD

2,509 posts

135 months

Tuesday 25th February
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Blu-ray in April for me then!


52,801 posts

209 months

Tuesday 25th February
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If you could excuse me, I have to go and listen to Rock and Roll.


8,308 posts

91 months

Tuesday 25th February
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Saw it in Imax with the kids, eldest is a massive music fan.

We saw the trailer for it when we were watch the Bob Dylan film which is also excellent.

Deep Thought

36,983 posts

208 months

Tuesday 25th February
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Mark V GTD said:
Blu-ray in April for me then!
Yeah i think i'll be doing that too!

I dont see it on pre-order yet from Amazon though. will keep an eye out.


6,551 posts

295 months

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My son and I saw it in our local imax last week. We are both massive zep fans and so loved it.

Completely agree about JPJ, top chap, very dry wit.

Thought the Bonzo stuff they had found really added to it as well.

Mark V GTD

2,509 posts

135 months

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Looking forward to it even more now!

Wacky Racer

39,365 posts

258 months

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Went to see it, and it was everything I thought it would be, although Helen Grant, Peter Grant's daughter is livid that he did not get enough credit as the "fifth member" of the group.

Massive Zep fan here, I saw them in Manchester (1972), Earls Court (1975) and both Knebworths (1979), plus Page/Plant and The Firm loads of times.

Also visited Grant's Horselunges Manor, Page's Round Tower House, Boleskine House (In 1978), Old Mill House, Deanery Gardens and Plumpton Place, and Plant's Jennings Farm.

Wacky Racer

39,365 posts

258 months

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From Led Zeppelin news:-

The daughter of Led Zeppelin manager Peter Grant has criticised the focus of media on the four members of Led Zeppelin, calling it “tiresome and old” and claiming her father was the “fifth member” of the band.

In a series of comments posted below a clip from an interview with the filmmakers behind “Becoming Led Zeppelin”, Helen Grant wrote on Instagram that “All the hard work, dedication and overall commitment he gave the band? There was a 5th member. Pontificating about the 4 members can be tiresome and old.”

In a further comment, seemingly directed at the film’s director and producer, Grant wrote: “Did you learn anything about Peter though?”


1,130 posts

59 months

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So what did this Grant character do then?

Deep Thought

36,983 posts

208 months

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Magikarp said:
So what did this Grant character do then?
He was their manager. He was to Led Zeppelin what Brian Epstein was to The Beatles.


3,594 posts

222 months

Scabutz said:
Saw it in Imax with the kids..........
How is this looking, the original shots were not done with IMAX camera ( I guess ) ,
are the pictures somehow distorted because of the different aspect ratio or do they not use the whole dimension of the screen ?
I booked IMAX tickets for this one, single day show in Frankfurt, where the IMAX was only opened last December.

( Stil hoping for a Christopher Nolan retrospective there )


2,209 posts

172 months

Deep Thought said:
He was their manager. He was to Led Zeppelin what Brian Epstein was to The Beatles.
In fact even more so!

It's worth reading "Peter Grant: The Man Who Led Zeppelin" ISBN-13 ?: ? 978-0711991958

He was literally a giant and looked after 'his boys' as a ruthless manager who made sure that they got every single penny of all the money made by them through their songs and tours. His treatment of promoters and bootleggers at concerts makes for interesting reading (he was a 6'5" ex-wrestler) and it's doubtful whether they would have become the worldwide success they did without him.

I met him a few times as he lived locally and drank in a pub I frequented. I always called him Mr Grant, although others in his circle just called him 'G'. His distinctive Porsche 911 and latterly his Range Rover were always in the town and recognised by the LZ1 number plate.

I think Helen Grant has a right to be miffed that he's not included, but I'll be interested to watch the film when it's available for home viewing.


8,308 posts

91 months

Benni said:
How is this looking, the original shots were not done with IMAX camera ( I guess ) ,
are the pictures somehow distorted because of the different aspect ratio or do they not use the whole dimension of the screen ?
I booked IMAX tickets for this one, single day show in Frankfurt, where the IMAX was only opened last December.

( Stil hoping for a Christopher Nolan retrospective there )
It looked fine, no distortions. My local cinema is only the Imax lite, or Liemax as some people call it. Not the fullshebang like BFI or Leicester Square.

Sound was good. I actually would have preferred it in iSense which has Dolby Atmos. When I saw Top Gun Maverick, err 3 times, it sounded much better in iSense.