The homemade Asian food thread

The homemade Asian food thread



Original Poster:

18,891 posts

211 months

Sunday 23rd February
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Ok so this thread is a sister thread to the homemade curry thread and is here for us to post our Chinese / Korean / Thai / Japanese etc dishes made from scratch and British take away versions.

I’ve just bought this lot

And this book

Let’s see how it goes. Feel free to post away any of your recipes for the food from the countries and region above.


12,204 posts

220 months

Sunday 23rd February
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Will be watching with interest. Never got into Asian food and given Miss21 is off to Japan soon I'm sure I be asked at some point! (and at work there has been a request for a Japanese menu)

Antony Moxey

9,312 posts

230 months

Sunday 23rd February
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I’m in. Friday night was chicken chow mein, egg fried rice with sweet corn and shallots and crispy seaweed.


5,171 posts

46 months

Sunday 23rd February
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Duck tongues and a cold beer are a good snack combo


Original Poster:

18,891 posts

211 months

Sunday 23rd February
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Regbuser said:
Duck tongues and a cold beer are a good snack combo

How did you prepare those?


30,853 posts

205 months

Sunday 23rd February
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Ooh, interested. I've only ever been able to eat Chinese from one takeaway - all others make me do a white guy version of the scene in Hitch... Including places like Wagamamas.

Mrs Sway however, absolutely adores chinese, so very up for learning (and maybe even figuring out what it is that causes me to be so ill).


5,171 posts

46 months

Sunday 23rd February
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Braised, like this >

Or deep fried, like this >

With several Tsingtao

Chris Stott

15,687 posts

208 months

Monday 24th February
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The Gauge

4,167 posts

24 months

Monday 24th February
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Regbuser said:
Duck tongues and a cold beer are a good snack combo

I'm a believer in making use of the whole animal if we've decided to slaughter it, and I have no issue with ar$eholes and eyelids going into sausages etc, but that ^^ dish took me by surprise smile


7,652 posts

139 months

Monday 24th February
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Regbuser said:
Duck tongues and a cold beer are a good snack combo

personally I prefer larks tongues in aspic


5,171 posts

46 months

Monday 24th February
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Len Clifton

66 posts

1 month

Monday 24th February
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Duck’s tongue? There’s no dressing it up, that’s grim.


5,187 posts

206 months

Monday 24th February
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craigjm said:
Ok so this thread is a sister thread to the homemade curry thread and is here for us to post our Chinese / Korean / Thai / Japanese etc dishes made from scratch and British take away versions.

I’ve just bought this lot

Hahah I went through a phase of buying things from the Asian super market just because of the packaging being cool, :P

I reckon that you have Chinese sesame paste, you need that to make the best noodle dish in the world biggrin

Duck tongues are so not to my taste about the worst thing ever.

Edited by nikaiyo2 on Monday 24th February 09:26


Original Poster:

18,891 posts

211 months

Monday 24th February
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nikaiyo2 said:
Hahah I went through a phase of buying things from the Asian super market just because of the packaging being cool, :P

I reckon that you have Chinese sesame paste, you need that to make the best noodle dish in the world biggrin
Thats right although the recipe in the book i link is more authentic than the woks of life recipe and I agree it is the best noodle dish

Gone a bit AMG

7,109 posts

208 months

Monday 24th February
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Excellent thread will be contributing for sure.


6,422 posts

64 months

Monday 24th February
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One of our go to easy favorites:

Pimp it one way or another, and always a fried egg on top


512 posts

144 months

Monday 24th February
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Check out these guys on YouTube:

Chinese son and mom chefs. The Ziangs do great videos of how to cook British Chinese takeaway food.

I've cooked a good amount of their recipes, and even though I live in Singapore, it reminds me of home (Bristol) thoroughly recommend them.


63 posts

26 months

Monday 24th February
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search 'Alex Wilkie chinese' on youtube. He is a scottish chef who does, or did, work in a chinese takeaway. Loads of recipes explained and demonstrated for the home cook.

chicken balls a la chinese restaurant

prawns szechuan style

soy sauce beef noodle

loads more


10,226 posts

189 months

Monday 24th February
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I am very much not an Instragram person, but my colleague at work did send me this video/recipe and I've done it a few times, it is bloody good

Spicy Thai Chicken Noodle Ramen (I've copied and pasted the description, I do not say some of the words he says!)


1 clove garlic
1 inch ginger knob
1 red chilli
3 spring onions
Thai red curry paste
2 tbsp veg oil
1 tin coconut milk
1 chicken breast
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp sugar
300ml Water
Pak Choi
Chilli oil


Chop up the clove of garlic, ginger and a chilli. As well as some spring onion and coriander for garnish later on.

We’re going to poach the chicken so it pulls apart. Very simple, stick a tit in a pot of boiling water for 15-20 minutes until cooked.

Meanwhile. Fry off those aromatics in a bit of oil until they start to go soft, then add a cute little pot of Thai curry paste.

Stir that until it’s saucy before adding 300ml of water.

Pour in a can of coconut milk and stir until all the lumps have gone and it’s silky smooth.

Add a splash of soy sauce and a dash of fish sauce then it’s time to toss the noodles in. As well as some healthy leafy greens. I’m using pak choi like a Tory bd but if you can’t get it, spinach will do.

Pull the chicken until it’s more shredded than the blokes around the Love Island swimming pool.

Add it to the pot.

You’re ready to serve now.

Get it all in a bowl, and grab your garnish from earlier. Some coriander, spring onions, chilli and chilli oil too if you’re a hard man. A big squeeze of lime and you are DONE.

When I say this bowl of food will change your life, please do not think for one minute that I’m exaggerating. I’m passing this recipe down as a service to mankind.


1,907 posts

146 months

Monday 24th February
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This a go to for me if I can get my hands on any Thai basil. Holy basil is a little more difficult to find but Sainsburys or Waitrose sometimes have the regular stuff in. I tend to add some finely sliced shallots in to fry first and a splash of fish sauce and tamarind paste goes into a bowl with the other sauces/sugar and mixed before adding to the stir fry.

I also tend to use chicken thighs as I prefer them.

It's so good.