£18k water bill....



Original Poster:

3,544 posts

248 months

Yesterday (13:42)
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Seeking PH'er advice as usual. Thank you in advance...!

We (actually a cricket club) used about 160m3 pa of water from October 2016 to October 2021. Meter readings were taken annually by the water supplier, not us because the meter is sited under an inspection cover on a public highway where access is difficult/dangerous.

From October 2021 to October 2024 no readings were taken. We received and paid bills based on estimated readings consistent with the previous 5 years settled usage pattern, 160m3 pa.

Meter was read at the end of October 2024 for the first time in over 3 years. Metered consumption has apparently increased from 160m3 pa to 2500m3 pa. To reiterate:

5 years from October 2016 to October 2021: Total supplied 800m3, 160m3 pa
3 years from October 2021 to October 2024: Total supplied 7500, 2500m3 pa

Meter was read again last week, and metered consumption has reduced to the previously established rate of 160m3.

Water supplier asserts aggressively that the only possible explanation is a leak (now evidently fixed...) at some point between October 2021 and October 2024. There is no evidence of such a leak on our premises, nor have any repairs to pipework or appliances been made.

Water company wants £18k for the water! We say we haven't used the water and there's been no leak within our boundaries/premises. They say there must have been a leak and we are liable.

Can a leak of 7000m3 of water occur without anyone becoming aware? Can such a leak repair itself?

Has anyone on PH experienced a similar situation? If so, how was it resolved? We are following carefully the retailers escalation process, but clearly getting nowhere.

Thoughts, observations, questions all welcomed. Once again, thank you in advance.


9,921 posts

35 months

Yesterday (14:28)
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So you think a mechanical meter went through a phase of running fast, then went back to reading correctly?

Most credible explanations might be someone was either being wasteful or a neighbour was stealing from you?

The extra water is about 6 tons a day. That is a lot. Nearly 4.5 litres a minute?
A leak like that would be causing a sink hole or something?


3,103 posts

228 months

Yesterday (14:30)
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Fight it.

My mother and step father (both in their 80s) went from (IIRC) well under 100 litres a day to over 1,000 litres a day and Severn Trent water tried to bill them for it.

The water company eventually “found” that there was a decent leak at the stopcock under the footpath (although it took several, increasingly irate phone calls and the threat of the ombudsman to get them to see sense).

B'stard Child

29,643 posts

255 months

Yesterday (14:40)
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What were the actual meter readings in order??

Is it possible that one of them was a typo??

I've not known a self healing water leak (unless it's a hard water area)

John D.

18,686 posts

218 months

Yesterday (14:47)
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B'stard Child said:
What were the actual meter readings in order??

Is it possible that one of them was a typo??

I've not known a self healing water leak (unless it's a hard water area)

We got a letter from Thames Water last week with a massive projected bill for our house. Turns out there was a typo on the reading (a 7 instead of a 1), or it was miss-read. We sent them an accurate reading yesterday.

What gets me, is if it was a correct reading the most likely scenario is we had a massive leak. In which case they should have been contacting us urgently, not sending a letter several months later.


2,164 posts

8 months

Yesterday (14:52)
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I had something similar when I moved house just over 3 years ago.

I got a bill for nearly 10k.

I told them to FRO and after months of threatening letters it obviously got passed to someone sensible and they waived it. No explanation or anything.

I then moved into a property that was registered as a business and asked to swap to residential tariff. Apparently I needed to speak to the business people who said I needed to speak to the residential people. Did this three times and gave up.

I've written to them and heard nothing. Pure incompetence.

B'stard Child

29,643 posts

255 months

Yesterday (14:59)
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John D. said:
B'stard Child said:
What were the actual meter readings in order??

Is it possible that one of them was a typo??

I've not known a self healing water leak (unless it's a hard water area)

We got a letter from Thames Water last week with a massive projected bill for our house. Turns out there was a typo on the reading (a 7 instead of a 1), or it was miss-read. We sent them an accurate reading yesterday.

What gets me, is if it was a correct reading the most likely scenario is we had a massive leak. In which case they should have been contacting us urgently, not sending a letter several months later.
Which is why I read my meter on a regular basis and try to understand why if we have an increase in usage ;-)

Date Reading Usage Avg Daily Days L/Day LPP (Per Person) Comments
29/07/2013 150 88000 230
29/07/2014 229 79000 220 365 216 108
29/07/2015 304 75000 210 365 205 103
12/08/2016 385 81000 210 380 213 107 Water Softener
31/07/2017 473 88000 250 353 249 125
14/08/2018 561 88000 230 379 232 116
31/07/2019 637 76000 220 351 217 108
18/08/2020 761 124000 320 384 323 161 Garden
16/08/2021 873 112000 310 363 309 154 Garden
17/08/2022 959 86000 230 366 235 117
04/08/2023 1083 124000 350 352 352 176 Leaky Cistern
16/08/2024 1156 73000 190 378 193 97


29,734 posts

182 months

Yesterday (15:10)
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With utilities the only way I've found to deal with them is to call their bluf on the inevitably threatened court action.

That's assuming you know you're in the right.

It goes quiet then.


19,438 posts

291 months

Yesterday (15:33)
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Have you contacted Julian Assange?


15,431 posts

206 months

Yesterday (15:36)
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OutInTheShed said:
The extra water is about 6 tons a day. That is a lot. Nearly 4.5 litres a minute?
A leak like that would be causing a sink hole or something?
I understand, that is can be suppressing how much water and soak into the ground undetected, but I cant really comment on whether 6 cubic meters a day could get lost or not. Soil type?

Has there been any change to staffing and or watering reschimes? Do you water the pitch at all?


Original Poster:

3,544 posts

248 months

Yesterday (16:11)
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dhutch said:
OutInTheShed said:
The extra water is about 6 tons a day. That is a lot. Nearly 4.5 litres a minute?
A leak like that would be causing a sink hole or something?
I understand, that is can be suppressing how much water and soak into the ground undetected, but I cant really comment on whether 6 cubic meters a day could get lost or not. Soil type?

Has there been any change to staffing and or watering reschimes? Do you water the pitch at all?
No change in activity for years and years - adults play Saturday and Sunday, some junior games in the week using old pitches. We do water the square if there's no rain, but probably 2-3 hours a week maximum. We believe this is 15-25m3 / month on the square. Water co are saying we've used 400m3/month during the summer months 2021-2024 only. It's ludicrous - I doubt they can even supply water at that rate! No changes in staff, groundwork protocols or equipment during the period in question.

I'm not sure on soil type, but will investigate.


Original Poster:

3,544 posts

248 months

Yesterday (16:12)
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Skyedriver said:
Have you contacted Julian Assange?


884 posts

82 months

Yesterday (22:22)
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WindyCommon said:
Skyedriver said:
Have you contacted Julian Assange?
Ah, I've got it now.


B'stard Child

29,643 posts

255 months

Yesterday (22:24)
quotequote all
Enut said:
WindyCommon said:
Skyedriver said:
Have you contacted Julian Assange?
Ah, I've got it now.

Water leaks not Wiki leaks???


18,496 posts

198 months

Yesterday (22:39)
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I would be getting eyes on that meter right away. And then regularly reading it with photographic evidence, even if it needs RAMS to do so!

Then figure out wtf happened. 7000m3 is a lot of water. Like a lot a lot.

Simpo Two

87,554 posts

274 months

Yesterday (23:09)
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gotoPzero said:
7000m3 is a lot of water. Like a lot a lot.
I reckon he's using it to generate hydroelectricity and selling it to the grid for a profit...


21 posts

14 months

Yesterday (23:17)
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OP I’ve had this before - turned out to be a leak within the meter box.

If the water company have said there was a leak that was repaired then they should be able to apply a leak allowance, usually by taking two separate readings a few weeks apart and then working out what your consumption should have been.

Good luck!


3,586 posts

183 months

Yesterday (23:37)
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B'stard Child said:
Enut said:
WindyCommon said:
Skyedriver said:
Have you contacted Julian Assange?
Ah, I've got it now.

Water leaks not Wiki leaks???
More likely Wicket Leaks


186 posts

9 months

Yesterday (23:48)
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This is probably not helpful/relevant, but bear with me as a 'removing all possibilities' exercise.

We had our water company at home contact us regarding a suspected leak, and luckily they told us pretty early on, so it wasn't a huge bill. We have our hot water heated via solar means and a small valve within the system had basically given up. The result was the system continuously cycling water at quite a significant rate, hence the alarm bells going off at Southern Water.

We didn't even notice, as there was no evidence of a leak/water anywhere/damage, and where the system sits is in an airing type cupboard with quite a thick door, so you couldn't even hear it. I believe it was some kind of pressure overflow or similar (it was a while ago, don't remember all the details) but resulted in a big jump in water usage without us even being aware. I don't remember how much exactly, but I do recall thinking that there's no way that volume could just go missing; my main concern was that it wasn't somehow escaping under the house and causing an issue with the foundation in any way.

Just mentioning the above, in case something seemingly innocuous has occurred in a similar fashion and not been noticed, and since been repaired/resolved during a routine service etc?

B'stard Child

29,643 posts

255 months

Yesterday (23:49)
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SAS Tom said:
B'stard Child said:
Enut said:
WindyCommon said:
Skyedriver said:
Have you contacted Julian Assange?
Ah, I've got it now.

Water leaks not Wiki leaks???
More likely Wicket Leaks
I’d have never got to there - I struggle when threads go fishing!!!!