What's the last album you played from start to finish?

What's the last album you played from start to finish?



Original Poster:

6,722 posts

289 months

Friday 17th January
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After R6M played some ste this morning I sacked them off and started playing albums, no skipping tracks allowed.

I've enjoyed A Night at the Opera, Searching for the Young Soul Rebels and Katy Lied so far.

I'm about to put Sign 'O' the Times on and wondered when and what was the last album you played from start to finish?

The Hypno-Toad

12,778 posts

216 months

Friday 17th January
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I always start the New Year on an optimistic note so its become a tradition with me to play Steve Mcqueen - Prefab Sprout all the way through first thing on January 1st.


7,320 posts

176 months

Friday 17th January
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Linkin Park - From Zero on the ride to work this morning.

Tonight i should be able to get most of Placebo's Without You I'm Nothing on the journey home


122 posts

243 months

Friday 17th January
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The K's - I Wonder If The World Knows

Every track is exceptional


4,413 posts

110 months

Friday 17th January
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boyse7en said:
Tonight i should be able to get most of Placebo's Without You I'm Nothing on the journey home
Good taste!

I very rarely play a complete album these days, just stream stuff and jump from place to place, I did listen to Definitely Maybe from start to finish a few months back though, as I stumbled across an old CD player and that was the first CD to hand, still holds up today.


3,562 posts

155 months

Friday 17th January
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Pat Benatar. Wide awake in Dreamland
This morning.


11,735 posts

150 months

Friday 17th January
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I've got a habit of buying CDs and then not listening to them right away, so I've had a bit of a catch up recently:

Peter Gabriel - i/o
The Cure - Wish
Egg - The Metronomical Society
Jethro Tull - Broadsword and the Beast
Japan - Tin Drum


7,897 posts

75 months

Friday 17th January
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Yesterday I went through a few.

Departures - Death Touches Us, From The Moment We Begin To Love
Drug Church - Prude
Faux Tales - Kairos

I usually have my Spotify library on shuffle until a track starts and I switch to the whole of that album, but I have album days too.


5,067 posts

46 months

Friday 17th January
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13,127 posts

178 months

Friday 17th January
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This morning was Dire Straits - Brothers In Arms

Yesterday - Avenge Sevenfold - Hail to the King and Self Titled

Day before - Maryilyn Manson - Holy Wood

Quite often it seems...


7,901 posts

231 months

Friday 17th January
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The very last full album I listened to was Bon Jovi - Slippery When Wet while playing Doom II the other day.

Antony Moxey

9,219 posts

230 months

Friday 17th January
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Crass - The Feeding of the 5000
Linkin Park - From Zero
The Cure - Songs of a Lost World
Elles Bailey - Wildfire

There's loads of others, but these are what I've been listening to mostly this week.


64 posts

61 months

Friday 17th January
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Depeche Mode - Some Great Reward. Obviously not their absolute best album, although Stories Of Old is one of my very favourite songs they've ever recorded


13,801 posts

213 months

Friday 17th January
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Stick To Your Guns - Keep Planting Flowers (their new record).

Prior to that Electric Youth - Innerworld (10th Anniversary Edition).

brake fader

1,215 posts

46 months

Friday 17th January
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jailbreak- thin lizzy--last night


1,192 posts

157 months

Friday 17th January
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My last few according to Prime are:

God's Balls - Tad
It Should Be Us - Andy Stott
Who Let The Dogs Out - Lambrini Girls
Jubilee - Japanese Breakfast
Spirit of Eden - Talk Talk

There are others in between but I didn't listen to them all the way through


6,597 posts

168 months

Friday 17th January
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I mainly listen to Spotify Playlists but the last album I put on all the way through was Beast Inside by Inspiral Carpets


2,056 posts

143 months

Friday 17th January
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The Who - Tommy
The Who - Who's Next
The Who - Quadrophenia

Edited by InductionRoar on Friday 17th January 23:58

Nexus Icon

658 posts

72 months

Friday 17th January
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Terrorvision - How to Make Friends and Influence People.

A really great album.


5,288 posts

231 months

Friday 17th January
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Introspective - The Pet Shop Boys, God it's good.

before that, probably Anjunadeep 02 - Jaytech and James Grant , seminal, and I don't mean the grubby definition

always in there somewhere, OK Computer - Radiohead, its never far from the front of the queue.