High value yearly travel insurance

High value yearly travel insurance



Original Poster:

1,256 posts

238 months

Wednesday 8th January
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Our travel insurance which (we pay via our banks 'travel pack') no where near covers the total value of clothes within the luggage,
There is no option to increase this, yet the premium is a couple of hundred per year so not particularly cheap (there are other benefits that I do not need/use)

Anybody got any recommends for a better option before I hit the search engines?


12,308 posts

295 months

Wednesday 8th January
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Primark? biggrin

Seriously, more of us should perhaps check the small print of our policies as I bet even those of us who dressed like tramps are under-covered on things like watches or nice shoes.


8,027 posts

233 months

Wednesday 8th January
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Check your home contents cover maybe? Can you get coverage away from home?


9,737 posts

186 months

Wednesday 8th January
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Truckosaurus said:
....I bet even those of us who dressed like tramps are under-covered on things like watches or nice shoes.

I can't recommend anybody, but be careful to check single item limit. In October, I lost my wedding ring in the sea - 3 days after I got married - and discovered that our single item limit was £500. Which wasn't enough, and didn't really seem that high (and we have the top Admiral cover).


26,362 posts

203 months

Wednesday 8th January
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Amateurish said:
Check your home contents cover maybe? Can you get coverage away from home?
This, my wifes wedding ring and her decent SLR camera are declared on our household insurance and covered when away from home.


9,798 posts

117 months

Wednesday 8th January
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The problem with insurance and airline compo shcemes is that they ask for proof of value. Unless you are very diligent in keeping receipts and documenting condition of items then you get nowhere. You may have receipts for high value items, but getting insurers to pay anything approaching actual value is difficult.


1,019 posts

233 months

Wednesday 8th January
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andyxxx said:
Our travel insurance which (we pay via our banks 'travel pack') no where near covers the total value of clothes within the luggage,
There is no option to increase this, yet the premium is a couple of hundred per year so not particularly cheap (there are other benefits that I do not need/use)

Anybody got any recommends for a better option before I hit the search engines?
Hi Andy,

Reckon I have same travel pack. How much cover do you need on Clothes?

On a slightly different subject. This same "travel pack" recently reimbursed me close to 16k after I had to go to emergency A&E whilst abroad due to a kidney stone..... To think I canceled our "Tech pack" but maintained our "travel pack" just incase....

Understand the T&Cs are again changing for the "travel pack" yet again.


6,482 posts

276 months

Wednesday 8th January
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I always assumed that travel insurance would cover medical stuff and cancelled flights, etc. but that the contents insurance for my home was what I’d rely on for clothes, watches, etc.

Do I need to check the small print, or am I OK?


7,971 posts

169 months

Wednesday 8th January
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Last time I looked, admittedly a few years ago, there seemed to be nothing available that would cover much more than a couple of grand. Even then the single item limit was very low (well below the value of even the suitcase).

If you do find anything then please do update the thread!


Original Poster:

1,256 posts

238 months

Wednesday 8th January
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zorba_the_greek said:
Hi Andy,

Reckon I have same travel pack. How much cover do you need on Clothes?

On a slightly different subject. This same "travel pack" recently reimbursed me close to 16k after I had to go to emergency A&E whilst abroad due to a kidney stone..... To think I canceled our "Tech pack" but maintained our "travel pack" just incase....

Understand the T&Cs are again changing for the "travel pack" yet again.
Yes, I’m sure it will be the same bank – as you say the T&Cs are changing again which is what has instigated my search.
I too cancelled the gadget insurance a few years ago – too many exclusions and too little cover.
I have kept meaning to look into the travel aspect and now having read the ‘Travel Plus Pack’ T&Cs think it is poor value for money for me at £216 per year (especially when you see the max payment for a lost bag and contents)

A quick search has come up with a number of Defaqto five* companies that offer double the cover for less money (one being nearly half the cost)
However, this still would nowhere near cover the cost of my wifes holiday clothing and shoes! So I will continue the search

I will not cancel the policy until I find a replacement (and a good job you didn’t!!)


2,054 posts

193 months

Wednesday 8th January
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It can be done, but you'll need to go to a broker who will find a specialist underwriter (eg Higos, no recommendation just an example).

But it's like HNW home policies, you need receipts and valuations and inventories. I have no idea what the premium rates are like. As above, I'd expect the most cost effective approach to be an extension of your contents policy rather than something standalone.


18,639 posts

200 months

Wednesday 8th January
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Re the note above on actually getting paid.

Its a PITA.

I had a bag stolen from our car (out of the trunk) in California.

It took me nearly a whole year to get paid out, and even then they only paid a % of the original cost.

They only paid out on stuff I had receipts for. In the end it was hardly worth it.


453 posts

48 months

Wednesday 8th January
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For the powerfully built PH director a high net worth home insurance policy typically extends to include travel insurance at a very high level.


7,971 posts

169 months

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In case it’s helpful, looking in advance of a recent trip, it turns out that my current policy is better than I thought: £10k baggage cover, with £1k single item limit.

It’s administered any Allianz Assistance and underwritten by AWP P&C SA. Doesn’t seem to feature on their main webpage so not 100% sure whether those terms are widely available, but may be worth giving them a call.