The Traitors - Season 3 (2025)



Original Poster:

6,367 posts

104 months

Thursday 2nd January
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Can't see a thread yet for the new season, anyone else watching?

Episode 1 was on last night, and they had episode 2 available on iPlayer. The usual selection of characters, think things will be a bit different this year, the traitors have attracted far more heat early on than previous years, a couple of them have already been mentioned. I think Armani is being far too over confident, can see her getting voted off pretty soon.


12,509 posts

156 months

Thursday 2nd January
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Zetec-S said:
Can't see a thread yet for the new season, anyone else watching?

Episode 1 was on last night, and they had episode 2 available on iPlayer. The usual selection of characters, think things will be a bit different this year, the traitors have attracted far more heat early on than previous years, a couple of them have already been mentioned. I think Armani is being far too over confident, can see her getting voted off pretty soon.
I thought she started off pretty well but then began to get a bit cocky, so I think your prediction is probably correct.

Wonder if they’ll bring back the three that were dumped at the railway siding…


581 posts

246 months

Thursday 2nd January
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Escort3500 said:
Wonder if they’ll bring back the three that were dumped at the railway siding…
I hope they don’t otherwise in future years everyone thinks they’ll get a free pass. The 3 that left did so far too easily.


5,032 posts

221 months

Thursday 2nd January
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Good start to the series last night, agree with comments above, Armani is putting herself under unnecessary pressure early on, I do wonder if her and her sister could have some sort or plan, would be very easy for them to have a secret code to tell the other if they were a traitor, which the non traitor sister could use to manipulate other faitherful etc.

Linda is in huge trouble too, I think she'll be banished very quickly.

The 3rd traitor appears to be doing a good job from what we've seen, probably a good idea for her to keep a low profile for a few nights, and recruit if given the chance.

Be very surprised if the any of the 3 who got off the train, don't reappear at some point in some capacity.

Yin was very interesting on the Uncloaked show after, worth a watch, but whatever she did, I think she's just the type of personality and profile that would be under huge scrutiny in that sort of environment.


Original Poster:

6,367 posts

104 months

Thursday 2nd January
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I think the sister theory would make sense, you'd go in with some sort of game plan or system to let each other know if they were a traitor, and then try and work it from both angles (with the ultimate aim of splitting the prize money). But not convinced Armani will last that long, and her sister seems to be one of those targeting her, so maybe they weren't that clever? She perhaps needs to throw Linda under the bus to prove her "faithful" credentials, and then back off a little.

Pretty sure we'll see the 3 from the station return at some point. Plus I think there's still a few big twists in the game to come, they'll need to mix up the format a little. And barring the fake Welshwoman and secret professions, I also reckon one or more of the contestants also has a big reveal we've not yet been told about.


5,292 posts

114 months

Thursday 2nd January
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Never watched it before but my girlfriend talked me into watching it this year. Quite enjoyed it, a bit more interesting than regular reality type stuff she watches.

Very interesting watching everyone abandon their own suspicions and thoughts with the herd mentality once they get to the table. Also interesting how the second most nominated person on night one was forgotten about immediately on night 2 even though they made the wrong call in the first night, but goes along with the fact many of them are just listening to those they "think" know what they're talking about.

Having watched the second episode I'm wondering if the other two will throw Armani under the bus as a sacrifice to get rid of her as she's blowing up her own cover already and being fat too cocky. They may finally be on to Linda but if she puts up Armani and she goes she could be well covered for a while

Min was doomed as soon as she walked in, spent far to long extolling her own intelligence whilst not being clever enough to realise that made her an immediate target.


5,169 posts

245 months

Thursday 2nd January
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I think Armani should have designs on murdering her sister asap or she's toast. smile

Linda is sure to get banished soon.

If the three that were outed at the station don't reappear in some form then nobody will ever volunteer again...


2,570 posts

120 months

Thursday 2nd January
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bompey said:
Escort3500 said:
Wonder if they’ll bring back the three that were dumped at the railway siding…
I hope they don’t otherwise in future years everyone thinks they’ll get a free pass. The 3 that left did so far too easily.
I can’t understand why, in the carriage with the two sisters in, nobody suggested that one of them go (on the basis that they’d still have a family member in the game). Also, the diplomat who thought he’d use his ‘skills’ to take charge and find a solution, only to be booted off, made me fear for UK foreign policy if our people are that naive!


5,292 posts

114 months

Thursday 2nd January
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chemistry said:
bompey said:
Escort3500 said:
Wonder if they’ll bring back the three that were dumped at the railway siding…
I hope they don’t otherwise in future years everyone thinks they’ll get a free pass. The 3 that left did so far too easily.
I can’t understand why, in the carriage with the two sisters in, nobody suggested that one of them go (on the basis that they’d still have a family member in the game). Also, the diplomat who thought he’d use his ‘skills’ to take charge and find a solution, only to be booted off, made me fear for UK foreign policy if our people are that naive!
Yeah I commented at the time I'm glad he's "former" rather than current rofl


3,351 posts

132 months

Thursday 2nd January
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bompey said:
I hope they don’t otherwise in future years everyone thinks they’ll get a free pass. The 3 that left did so far too easily.
I agree - hope not. Altruism shouldn’t pay off so easily in a mafia/ werewolf game (they’ve been a thing for years in games - that’s what they are usually termed as). Secret Hitler is a good relatively simple one - which has advantage of not needing someone running the game. Blood on the Clocktower for a more complex one, that needs a game master to run it.


2,570 posts

120 months

Thursday 2nd January
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C5_Steve said:
Yeah I commented at the time I'm glad he's "former" rather than current rofl


3,714 posts

222 months

Thursday 2nd January
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chemistry said:
C5_Steve said:
Yeah I commented at the time I'm glad he's "former" rather than current rofl
Chaps - I (and others?) have resisted the iPlayer preview of the next episode, so would be grateful if spoilers and chat related to them were not part of this thread. I'd hoped it would be something to dip into watching the linear transmissions to share timely observations. If you (or others) 'read ahead' and chip in with snippets or observations ahead of cycle, I'm not going to be visiting the topic again until the whole series is complete, which would be disappointing.

Back on topic: I was pleased with the first murder; in just the jumble of the introductions, she had already started to grate and it was obvious she was going to playing the 'expert' but probably calling it wrong!

Also pleased to see Uncloaked return; looking forward to the reveals of the Traitors to the banished/murdered as that was always fun last time.


7,562 posts

276 months

Thursday 2nd January
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Season 1 and 2 they released the first 3 episodes on iPlayer together then just followed the broadcast schedule, looks to be first two episodes this time. Either way past Friday evening it should all be in sync. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to discuss what’s been released.


6,175 posts

216 months

Thursday 2nd January
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We're watching them as they air but we're not very invested yet after the second episode.

It's all a bit random at the moment and Linda and Armani are rubbish traitors ...


3,714 posts

222 months

Thursday 2nd January
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Mark-C said:
We're watching them as they air but we're not very invested yet after the second episode.

It's all a bit random at the moment and Linda and Armani are rubbish traitors ...
Armani in particular - telling the other two they should copy her stirring style!

I think one of the things that was obvious from the round tables so far is the herd instinct is strong; so as soon as anyone is in the headlights or stumbles, pile on! If only to not be the one under the bus themselves!


23,569 posts

151 months

Thursday 2nd January
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The wife is trying to get me into this, we are halfway through episode 2 and I'll be honest, I just don't get it!


5,169 posts

245 months

Thursday 2nd January
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Each evening the traitors discuss who they're going to murder and end up with three names. To build the suspense about who's been murdered those three are always the last in to breakfast (well, the two who haven't been murdered). So, if you are sat round the breakfast table you can be certain that the last two in are definitely not traitors?

I'll see if this theory holds...


6,665 posts

141 months

Thursday 2nd January
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bompey said:
Escort3500 said:
Wonder if they’ll bring back the three that were dumped at the railway siding…
I hope they don’t otherwise in future years everyone thinks they’ll get a free pass. The 3 that left did so far too easily.
It was odd to just volunteer.
I’d have suggested a game of chance - flip coins.

Pitre said:
Each evening the traitors discuss who they're going to murder and end up with three names. To build the suspense about who's been murdered those three are always the last in to breakfast (well, the two who haven't been murdered). So, if you are sat round the breakfast table you can be certain that the last two in are definitely not traitors?

I'll see if this theory holds...
I was thinking that too…..maybe it will be mixed up more later, & of course the faithful don’t know the other two aren’t traitors….


7,905 posts

231 months

Thursday 2nd January
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HTP99 said:
The wife is trying to get me into this, we are halfway through episode 2 and I'll be honest, I just don't get it!
If you haven’t seen the previous series, it takes a while for the mind games to start. The second half of the series is where it gets more intense.

Old Man Peabody

643 posts

218 months

Friday 3rd January
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Pitre said:
Each evening the traitors discuss who they're going to murder and end up with three names. To build the suspense about who's been murdered those three are always the last in to breakfast (well, the two who haven't been murdered). So, if you are sat round the breakfast table you can be certain that the last two in are definitely not traitors?

I'll see if this theory holds...
The wife said exactly this yesterday, that the last 3 in are those that were shortlisted for murder. From memory, this has always been the pattern in previous series.

I'll be taking notes to see if this continues as it does seem an obvious way to determine who's on the Traitors radar and who maybe a Faithful.