Strange window problem vw

Strange window problem vw



Original Poster:

4,234 posts

186 months

2019 man tge, rebadged vw crafer occasionally does weird stuff with the windows.
At random the window switches go haywire, where pressing the switch either up or down will only makr the windows ho down, even pressing up makes the windows go down. Once the windows go all the way down the buttons become unresponsive, then after 30 seconds or so normal operation resumes.
The last couple of days twive at a random point in a journey gently applying the brake has caused the passengers window to go all the way down, and the buttons are unresponsive for 30 seconds or so.
The buttons were changed twice under warranty for the random behaviour but i dont think it had any effect. It has had a new battery, but the strangeness persists.
Any ideas? Seems like canbus issues.


30,495 posts

292 months

The '30 second recovery' thing makes me suspect the body control module may be crashing. The problem being provoked by bumps makes me suspect it's a mechanical problem - broken/dry joint, faulty connector, that sort of thing.


14,516 posts

92 months

I would suspect the ‘open the windows issue’ is linked to an emergency situation response. Something may be amiss there.