


Original Poster:

1,498 posts

206 months


Apologies if this has been covered previously, I haven't used PH for a long time now. I picked up a brand new car and was wondering about trackers. Do you have one and would you recommend one?

A car was stolen recently in my street, first time in 40 years apparently (small rural village) and it made me think about more "protection".

A mate said stick an air tag in it.......anybody use these for tracking? looking into them specifically for this reason they don't get great reviews.



4,661 posts

219 months

I have an S5 Tracker in my car, had to for insurance purposes.

Only the occasional glitch where it sends me an alert when I am driving! Usually it's down to the battery in the fob being low.


Original Poster:

1,498 posts

206 months

Sixpackpert said:
I have an S5 Tracker in my car, had to for insurance purposes.

Only the occasional glitch where it sends me an alert when I am driving! Usually it's down to the battery in the fob being low.
Thanks for that.


2,454 posts

65 months

Honestly, it depends if your car is worth stealing. If it's a relatively inexpensive car, or not sought after, then I wouldn't bother with a tracker. Air tags are all well and good but all a thief needs is an iphone and it'll tell them that they're being tracked.

If you've got something worth stealing then look at a proper alarm (Clifford are a good brand for these) and some physical security. Prevention is better than the cure, as they say. If you want a tracker then shop around. You'll find various levels of ability, accuracy and cost. Some alarms that use standard interior buttons for a "pin" entry also allow a drive away timer so the thieves are less likely to come back and "persuade" you to tell them what the code is.