Christopher Ward Desk Diver

Christopher Ward Desk Diver



Original Poster:

2,807 posts

188 months

quotequote all
I had an email announcing this new watch today. Have to say I really like it.

As a fully paid up member of the corporate slave culture, this tongue in cheek design genuinely made me chuckle.

It’s a bit of fun and I really like the look of it. smile

Anyone else?


3,066 posts

186 months

quotequote all
Wow that’s different
I really like the whimsy of it, especially with the stationary that it comes with

It’s too large for my wrist otherwise I would be quite keen


256 posts

141 months

quotequote all
of the quality of it is up to the asking price, thats a nice fun watch


3,931 posts

236 months

Ha ha, that's really great.


648 posts

221 months

Love it, but it does have a sniff of StudioUnderd0g about it (humour-wise). Shame it's too big tho'



3,705 posts

157 months

Its a collaboration with Seconde-seconde, who've done similar light hearted watches with other brands.

I always like them, fun and exclusive designs without a huge price hike and the quality will be as decent as other models from the manufacturer.

Probably wouldn't buy one on a Christopher Ward though, still a fair chunk or cash for something that might get old pretty quickly, it'll be a hit with many collectors though im sure.


11,875 posts

289 months

Pebbles167 said:
...still a fair chunk or cash for something that might get old pretty quickly...
Indeed. Spending £100 on a comedy watch might be worth it, but a Grand seems too much for something that Colin Hunt off of The Fast Show would wear - I'm sure we could all think of a better £1000 watch we'd like to get instead.


2,346 posts

217 months

the picture of the guy at the watercooler - he must be massive, thats a 41mm watch and hes making it look small....

(yes, I know its photoshopped)


3,685 posts

72 months

The idea is ok but i think the novelty will wear off soon enough.


23,118 posts

145 months

I like Christopher Ward watches, I have one and hanker after a The Twelve and I so want an orange Lumiere.

I get the light hearted fun element of this but I don't want one.


12,092 posts

192 months

I have a few CWs but when I got the email it was a big nope from me - not a fan and I don’t think it’ll sell well at all tbh.


1,510 posts

170 months

Yup, I agree with the general sentiments above. It's amusing -mildly - for about 10 seconds, and about as appealing as a 'comedy' tie as an actual purchase prospect. Sorry, it's a 'no' from me.


3,685 posts

72 months

x5tuu said:
I have a few CWs but when I got the email it was a big nope from me - not a fan and I don’t think it’ll sell well at all tbh.
Its already sold out.


14,606 posts

143 months

Absolute tat. laugh


3,046 posts

134 months

Truckosaurus said:
Pebbles167 said:
...still a fair chunk or cash for something that might get old pretty quickly...
Indeed. Spending £100 on a comedy watch might be worth it, but a Grand seems too much for something that Colin Hunt off of The Fast Show would wear - I'm sure we could all think of a better £1000 watch we'd like to get instead.
Agreed. Not far off Longines Hyrdoconquest (yes quartz) territory at that money.

Super Sonic

6,810 posts

59 months

Some sort of a wind up.


2,807 posts

87 months

A decent brand couldn’t get away with this. What makes CW think they can? Absolute crap.


11,197 posts

186 months

Badda said:
A decent brand couldn’t get away with this. What makes CW think they can? Absolute crap.
I mean, they’ve done it and it sold out.

Probably one of the best steered small brands out there right now.


2,807 posts

87 months

It’s probably just a personal thing, I despise CW and their continual copying of designs. Yes this is unique, it’s also absolute crap and I’m amazed people are buying it.


11,197 posts

186 months

Badda said:
It’s probably just a personal thing, I despise CW and their continual copying of designs. Yes this is unique, it’s also absolute crap and I’m amazed people are buying it.
I think they are quite a long way from just copying designs. A few years a go I think that was a legitimate criticism but not any more.

This is a Seconde Seconde collaboration in any case. In all their collaborations it is their design on a 'host' platform. They seem to be popular in general.