James Blunt autobiography



Original Poster:

19,581 posts

226 months

Monday 15th July 2024
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I'm currently reading James Blunt's 'Loosely Based On A Made-Up Story: A Non-Memoir'.

It's a great read with some properly laugh out loud moments!

Stella Tortoise

2,941 posts

154 months

Monday 15th July 2024
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Stan the Bat

9,323 posts

223 months

Friday 19th July 2024
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Don't like his music, but love the guy's sense of humour. smile


3,281 posts

195 months

Tuesday 23rd July 2024
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it is very funny with some interesting stories


1,382 posts

54 months

Tuesday 30th July 2024
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I listened to this the other week, narrated by himself. It was brilliant, he's quite the raconteur. I was in bits at the thought of an acid-infused fig tree.


45,357 posts

161 months

Monday 12th August 2024
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The Netflix documentary is worth watching too.

Seems like a thoroughly decent bloke who became a figure of hate and ridicule just because he was very successful and from an affluent background.


Original Poster:

19,581 posts

226 months

Friday 18th October 2024
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Yes, watched that and it was fascinating.

In particular, just how easily lead the general public are. A few press hacks got bored/envious of him and started writing derisory articles and the great British public eagerly joined in!

Reminded me a little of the Covid response and the way that so many of the public eagerly joined in with the nonsense (face masks not needed in busy restaurants apart from the 10 seconds it takes to walk across the room and sit down, etc).


1,543 posts

40 months

Sunday 20th October 2024
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He was quite the player back in the day. Can’t remember who


12,137 posts

220 months

Sunday 20th October 2024
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Never liked or disliked the guy but read the book some time ago and since follow him online. His replies to fans and critics are very very good sometimes

Seems like a pretty genuine guy who is happy to say fk you to those who try to annoy him.


884 posts

10 months

Sunday 20th October 2024
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Thanks for this OP.

Just started listening to this on Spotify and very enjoyable it is too thumbup


Original Poster:

19,581 posts

226 months

Monday 28th October 2024
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21TonyK said:
Seems like a pretty genuine guy who is happy to say fk you to those who try to annoy him.
I suspect that his army experiences have given him a sense of perspective regarding what's really important that few very wealthy and successful people ever get.


28,828 posts

172 months

Monday 28th October 2024
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Ari said:
21TonyK said:
Seems like a pretty genuine guy who is happy to say fk you to those who try to annoy him.
I suspect that his army experiences have given him a sense of perspective regarding what's really important that few very wealthy and successful people ever get.
Most people who've been in the forces aren't fazed by insults or digs. You wouldn't last long if you got wound up easily.


Original Poster:

19,581 posts

226 months

Monday 28th October 2024
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98elise said:
Most people who've been in the forces aren't fazed by insults or digs. You wouldn't last long if you got wound up easily.
Indeed. But beyond that, when you've been to war zones and seen the pain and the death, people losing everything, it probably gives you a very strong sense of what is really important in life, and puts all the glitz and nonsense into sharp perspective.


28,828 posts

172 months

Monday 28th October 2024
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Ari said:
98elise said:
Most people who've been in the forces aren't fazed by insults or digs. You wouldn't last long if you got wound up easily.
Indeed. But beyond that, when you've been to war zones and seen the pain and the death, people losing everything, it probably gives you a very strong sense of what is really important in life, and puts all the glitz and nonsense into sharp perspective.
Good point.


2,041 posts

253 months

Sunday 10th November 2024
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Listened to this on Spotify and enjoyed it so much I finished it in one day - great fun but you realise it must have taken a toll on him too. He has a brilliant self-deprecating sense of humour that just makes you instantly like him. The chapters where he describes how he was pretty much totally blanked by the likes of Damon albarn, mick jagger etc are pretty brutal. Great book though and highly recommended.


1,129 posts

59 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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There are few things I can imagine that would be worse than reading about that adenoidal bleater. Un-anaesthetised dental work, possibly. I'll give him this though - he does seem much more self aware than his contemporaries but as a musician he is appallingly, woefully, comically bad. Perhaps he should abandon the recording studio and adopt a David Niven persona.

Super Sonic

8,090 posts

65 months

Tuesday 3rd December 2024
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Magikarp said:
There are few things I can imagine that would be worse than reading about that adenoidal bleater. Un-anaesthetised dental work, possibly. I'll give him this though - he does seem much more self aware than his contemporaries but as a musician he is appallingly, woefully, comically bad. Perhaps he should abandon the recording studio and adopt a David Niven persona.
Don't get the audiobook, he doesn't narrate that, he sings it!


Original Poster:

19,581 posts

226 months

Tuesday 21st January
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Magikarp said:
There are few things I can imagine that would be worse than reading about that adenoidal bleater. Un-anaesthetised dental work, possibly. I'll give him this though - he does seem much more self aware than his contemporaries but as a musician he is appallingly, woefully, comically bad. Perhaps he should abandon the recording studio and adopt a David Niven persona.
If only the whole world thought the exact same way you do, and James Blunt was as successful a singer as you no doubt are, eh? smile


45,357 posts

161 months

Tuesday 21st January
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Magikarp said:
but as a musician he is appallingly, woefully, comically bad.
I'm not a musician, so explain to me why. Not just that you don't like the music.

I don't like jazz, but I accept the members of the band are usually accomplished musicians. I just wish they'd all agree to play the same song at the same time.

So why is Blunt a bad musician?


Original Poster:

19,581 posts

226 months

Tuesday 21st January
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
I'm not a musician, so explain to me why. Not just that you don't like the music.

I don't like jazz, but I accept the members of the band are usually accomplished musicians. I just wish they'd all agree to play the same song at the same time.

So why is Blunt a bad musician?
You know that will be it. smile

I find it rather odd that people decide that they are the arbiter of taste, be it music, art or interior design, and seem genuinely unable to understand that actually, other people like different things to them. You see it a lot these days.