Grade your life so far

Grade your life so far



Original Poster:

6,667 posts

221 months

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How does your adult life correlate with your school reports or grading? Are you a solid B+? Are you fulfilling your potential? Could you do better? Do you treat work deadlines like homework to be half-arsed the night before it is due to be submitted? Did your A* grades lead to an A* life? Or are you a solid mid-table Mr/Mrs average?

Would your teachers be surprised at where you are now, in either a positive or negative sense?


4,333 posts

37 months

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LimaDelta said:
Would your teachers be surprised at where you are now, in either a positive or negative sense?
Some thought I was a waster and a fool; others that I had potential and could succeed.

It appears both were correct! Who wants to be "average" anyway?

Wacky Racer

38,482 posts

250 months

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I left school in 1969.

I still have every school report going back to 1957.

Most of them were extremely. positive,

Except the last one that said I have failed to reach my potential, and they feared for my exam results.

Must have had a crystal ball hehe

I've done OK, better than most.


2,279 posts

51 months

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It’s a shame that we often equate conventional career success with complete success (happiness, hobbies, family life or whatever).

There is much more to life than “hitting work deadlines”.


5,172 posts

231 months

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Requires improvement, with some Good and a few Outstanding features.


Original Poster:

6,667 posts

221 months

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Fusion777 said:
It’s a shame that we often equate conventional career success with complete success (happiness, hobbies, family life or whatever).

There is much more to life than “hitting work deadlines”.
So, you didn't do any homework either? hehe

Gary C

12,732 posts

182 months

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Grade C O Levels in Maths, Physics & Chemistry (only due to the 16+ rules at the time), the rest at CSE

Now Hons Degree in engineering, 6 figure salary and a licenced nuclear operator (as the yanks would term it)

And... An old nationalised industry final salary pension to come soon smile

No real idea what the teachers though of me, I never listened to them much and reports ? never read them.

So, not too bad.

Stella Tortoise

2,723 posts

146 months

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From my last school report:

Must throw off his lethargic attitude.



1,140 posts

165 months

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I don’t think my teachers thought bad of me academically but “more time spent concentrating on their work and less time trying to entertain the rest of the class” as one reported suggested.
I didn’t walk away with a bunch of great exam results, only a few, but took good advice and good opportunities given to me and had a good, quite well paid career in banking. Threw in the towel early 50s.

Rest of things if life? Could play guitar better but play in bands. Could play tennis better but started late, though a reasonable club player. Personal life, been ok but never settled down. That’s mostly my fault..


6,702 posts

158 months

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I left school with 5 X E's, 2 x D's and 1 x C

I've bounced around various jobs but am currently an assistant manager in the motor trade so I guess I'm doing ok?


76,802 posts

285 months

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I was an A-grade student so in traditional terms, my life is not very successful - no kids/family/wife, gave up the corporate career. But I now lead a somewhat unorthodox life that I enjoy immensely and I'm pretty happy with my lot (well, ignoring my on-going ponderings on what car to get next).

So in traditional terms, I'd probably grade my life a D-.

But on my terms, I'd grade my life an A.



2,620 posts

168 months

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I think the shipping forecast sums me up quite well:

"moderate or good, occasionally very poor"


414 posts

3 months

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LimaDelta said:
How does your adult life correlate with your school reports or grading? Are you a solid B+? Are you fulfilling your potential? Could you do better? Do you treat work deadlines like homework to be half-arsed the night before it is due to be submitted? Did your A* grades lead to an A* life? Or are you a solid mid-table Mr/Mrs average?

Would your teachers be surprised at where you are now, in either a positive or negative sense?
So what's yours if you're so bothered about it?


1,746 posts

121 months

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Very average at school. Middle sets for everything with a mixture of D to B grades. Left Uni after 2 years because I sucked at that too.

Got into software sales 5 years ago and probably earning a lot more than what my teachers thought I was capable of. But hey, that’s sales…. Isn’t that a career for bums anyway? biglaugh

Spare tyre

9,844 posts

133 months

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I don’t try hard enough at school, so in theory I have done better than I was told that I would achieve


4,620 posts

24 months

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I was in bottom set for science and English at school and now I’m a prof at one of the world’s top universities. When one of my former teachers found out I was doing a PhD they said they saw no evidence that I was capable of that.

It’s left me in the unfortunate position that I massively distrust formal education but part of my job is to deliver it.


4,620 posts

24 months

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Stella Tortoise said:
From my last school report:

Must throw off his lethargic attitude.

Yeah you can do that next week


19,322 posts

210 months

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B overall. Career good enough , poor background, scholarship kid and worked every spare moment from the age of 11. Enjoyed life, one failed marriage and one very successful one.
Worked till 74 and no regrets at all as it was fascinating. Had I been more politically committed in the corporate world I could have made more money but this was a deliberate choice.
So, not bad but could always do better. At 75 unlikely to make any radical change of course.


7,554 posts

223 months

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As predicted in school, I haven't put in much effort but still seem to have landed on my feet.


Original Poster:

6,667 posts

221 months

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Jimjimhim said:
LimaDelta said:
How does your adult life correlate with your school reports or grading? Are you a solid B+? Are you fulfilling your potential? Could you do better? Do you treat work deadlines like homework to be half-arsed the night before it is due to be submitted? Did your A* grades lead to an A* life? Or are you a solid mid-table Mr/Mrs average?

Would your teachers be surprised at where you are now, in either a positive or negative sense?
So what's yours if you're so bothered about it?
I saw through the system at an early age, and as such never put in much effort at school, college or university. Any moderate success I may have had since comes from my innate abilities and willingness to not follow the set path, rather than formal education (and of course, a bit of luck). In financial terms, as I tell my children, we do better than most, but certainly aren't rich, so B+ there. For work/life balance and personal fulfilment, a solid A+.