


Original Poster:

1,844 posts

121 months

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We have gravel on our drive, which is being used by every cat or fox within 20 miles to lay turds on. I assume foxes because of the level of turdage and it mostly seems to happen overnight.

How do I get them to fk off, or to at least instead use my neighbours drive?

I bought some repellant which came in a tiny bottle that you mix into water which smells horrific, but it doesn't seem to do much.

My wife has vetoed my air rifle, and also vetoed me buying a fox suit and waiting out for them and beating the st out of one as a warning to the others.

Any advice please?

P.S: On the off-chance that one of the foxes are reading this - I'm gonna stove your head in you silly orange bellend

Dr Mike Oxgreen

4,163 posts

168 months

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We deter our cats from pooing on the gravel pathways by keeping our spent coffee grounds and scattering those over the areas we particularly want them to avoid. Works well, and it’s free.

The other thing to try, if you’re male, is sprinkling your own urine. If you’re worried what the neighbours might think, you don’t actually have to whip Percy out and piss directly on the gravel - you can wee in a watering can in the privacy of your bathroom.

Edited by Dr Mike Oxgreen on Tuesday 2nd July 17:41


17,531 posts

192 months

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We use ultrasonic clicker thingies. Work very well IME.


1,227 posts

15 months

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What type of gravel do you have, I would guess it is quite smooth.

You need to some of the sharper type stuff that they won't like walking on which should stop the mess in the gravel.


1,368 posts

115 months

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gotoPzero said:
We use ultrasonic clicker thingies. Work very well IME.
These things are the devil if you have good hearing and should be banned IMO. A while back I had to go around every neighbour on my estate to figure out whose bloody cat repeller was going off continuously (because of moving foliage triggering the motion detector I suspect) - it's like having tinnitus and made sitting in the garden unbearable.

Also, I've literally watched a cat take a dump in front of one of these devices. I'm not convinced most cats care.

My advice? Get a dog.


550 posts

162 months

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MajorMantra said:
My advice? Get a dog.
Wouldnt this just mean you had to pick up even more turds?


3,951 posts

76 months

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gotoPzero said:
We use ultrasonic clicker thingies. Work very well IME.
These have worked for me too. I also find that after a few weeks the cats and foxes have found somewhere else to st so you can pack them away.

All you’re really doing is moving them on to st somewhere else and get them to prefer a different place.


13,526 posts

218 months

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Ultrasonic clivky things work well. You just need to find the right setting to repel the animals you dont want.

Also if you make up a solution of garlic and chilli and spray that around the area it will repel anything from your driveway.
All you need is 1 small herb jar of garlic powder and 1 jar of the strongest chilli powder you can get and steep the powders in 2 litres of water for a week in a sealed container.
Then you can spray using a plant sprayer.


1,368 posts

115 months

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ShredderXLE said:
Wouldnt this just mean you had to pick up even more turds?
Technically yes but picking up your own dog's poo is somehow much less disgusting than that of a random invader.


Death to ultrasonic clicky things. If there's anyone under the age of ~40 within audible range you may be ruining their day without even realising it. You have no idea how frustrating it is trying to complain about a sound the creator of which can't actually hear.


14,474 posts

200 months

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MajorMantra said:

Death to ultrasonic clicky things. If there's anyone under the age of ~40 within audible range you may be ruining their day without even realising it. You have no idea how frustrating it is trying to complain about a sound the creator of which can't actually hear.

Our local GP practice has one outside, in the area you end up standing in when the pharmacy queue is out of the door, which is about half the time.

Everytime I tell them to turn it off, which gets a mix of 'I didnt know we had one' to 'Oh yeah, sure' and every time I suggest they at very least get it stuck on a time clock so its only on say 9till11 when antisocial behaviour is worst.

But I also secretly wish I could just disable it permanently with napalm.


62,300 posts

220 months

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Karlsten Cat Repellent for Gardens UK - Natural Citronella Cat Deterrent Granules

seems to work well in keeping neighbours cats from using our garden as a toilet


1,588 posts

101 months

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Strategically placed dog turds where you won't stand on them will work.