Cheap hybrid bike. Best options?

Cheap hybrid bike. Best options?



Original Poster:

103 posts

6 months

Hi all, I’m thinking of getting back in the saddle, as it were, and buying a new bike.

I’m not an expert by any means and I’d like to spend as little as possible. I’d be prepared to go up to £200ish, but I love a bargain and I like a bit of spannering, so I’m mainly looking at the used market.

I’ve narrowed it down to a hybrid bike as I don’t need a MTB and my old B’Twin road bike always felt a bit flimsy on bad road, gravel etc.

I’m probably overthinking this purchase already, but I just want to avoid buying some absolute rubbish. Does anyone have any recommendations or, more importantly, brands to avoid.

I know B’Twin are well regarded but to be honest, I wasn’t impressed with mine. I hear Carrera are terrible? I’ve had a Google already, but I always think it’s worth seeking out first-hand knowledge from real people.

Incidentally, I found a 1992 Marin Palisades Trail close to me for £40 in need of minor TLC. Are these any good? I’m guessing not? laugh

Thanks in advance.


7,511 posts

216 months

Yes, you're definitely overthinking it.

A cheap hybrid is a good thing for getting back into riding IMO, especially if you're not sure exactly what sort of riding you want to do. It'll not be great at anything, but it'll cope with everything. Spend some proper money on a nice bike once you're sure you're using it regularly, and you've decided exactly what sort of bike you'd like.

That Marin model looks perfectly good. Check the brakes work, check the gears work, check the hubs run smoothly and the headset has no front/back play and turns nicely. Budget for new tyres at least as they're likely to be well past their best. Have a good look at the state of the chain and cassette in the pictures, I've always felt that a rusty chain is a very bad sign about the general maintenance, storage conditions and love a bike has had.

I picked up a £30 Giant hybrid a year or so ago, everything worked fine, stuck an e-kit on it and it's doing good work commuting ever since.


Original Poster:

103 posts

6 months

Thanks for taking the time to reply, and for your great advice. I’ll take this all on board.

Your Giant looks great btw - just the sort of thing I’m after. I’m off to Facebook Marketplace!