What car? Motorway + Local use

What car? Motorway + Local use



Original Poster:

17 posts

14 months

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My girlfriend needs to do a Manchester - London and back run at least twice a month. Sometimes, I’ll be doing the driving but it’ll mostly be her.

We’ve been looking at E Coupes but it seems it’s the e220d in budget and it just sounds way too agricultural. Shes a bit of a petrol head so likes having good engines and driving feel.

What do you guys suggest to fit the criteria below? Note; she’s more than comfy with large cars so the bigger the better!

- Comfortable to do the Manc - London - Manc route (over a weekend) at least twice a month
- Reasonable on fuel on the longer journeys
- Reliable - nothing that’s a bork pit
- Fun to drive/have - She’s usually had German cars and of the sportier variety. Current car is a prev gen e350 coupe.
- Ideal to have CarPlay, or the ability to retrofit
- Decent sound system

She’d be getting it on PCP and aiming for < £400’pm with little deposit.

Thoughts welcome


5,876 posts

149 months

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The BMW 3.0 turbo petrol inline sixes tend to be a decent combo of enjoyment and economy - torque, power, sound and 40mpg. So maybe a 440i?

It might be useful to know what sort of total price you think £400 a month equates to, and how old you're prepared to go.


Original Poster:

17 posts

14 months

She’s had an F30 before so would probably be hesitant going back to that similar series but worth a suggestion anyway. I do love those engines.

Budget wise, it’s hard to say because of how much pcp varies nowadays. We’d be looking to get the lowest APR and deposit, which means a newer car (2-4 years old) and I assume around the £25k mark.

I’ve seen some 30+k cars go for < 400pm pcp, so it’s hard to tell what cash price specifically to look for.


27,861 posts

128 months

Why change?

You could just retrofit CarPlay & use the E350d, as it'll suit your usage.


Original Poster:

17 posts

14 months

ZX10R NIN said:
Why change?

You could just retrofit CarPlay & use the E350d, as it'll suit your usage.
I’ve suggested the same, but the mileage is creeping up to 120k and the car is feeling a bit more tired now so she wanted to change.

If nothing else falls within suitable budget, she will keep the current car.


27,861 posts

128 months

spud_9 said:
I’ve suggested the same, but the mileage is creeping up to 120k and the car is feeling a bit more tired now so she wanted to change.

If nothing else falls within suitable budget, she will keep the current car.
I can understand that but a suspension refresh & a little fettling should bring it back.

Have you looked at a personal loan that way you can see what your budget will actually be.


375 posts

3 months

A BMW with a 3.0d engine would probably work well.