Austin texas/New Orleans in summer

Austin texas/New Orleans in summer



Original Poster:

64 posts

130 months

Thursday 27th June
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I'm planning a roadtrip from Vegas to New Orleans via Austin Texas but it looks like it will have to be at end of July. Im interested in people's experience of the heat at that time of year. I have been to Vegas a couple of times before and experienced 40+ degrees and that was ok as it's a dry heat (and you are never far from an air conditioned casino). However Austin/New Orleans sounds hot and humid, has anyone been during the summer and how did you find the heat?


97 posts

16 months

Thursday 27th June
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I visited New York in the summer during an exceptionally hot and humid period and to be honest it wasn't very nice! Hotel was air conditioned but once we left the hotel and walked one block our clothes were already patchy with sweat.

We stopped in a dinner one morning that didn't have air-con and I felt like I'd got in the oven with my meal. I managed to sweat it out (literally!) and finish my meal but when I got up I'd left a "potato print" of where I'd been sitting hehe.

Even locals were struggling because of the humidity.

During the same trip we visited Vegas and like you said, it's a dry heat. Compared to New York Vegas felt relatively cool!

Edited by Random84 on Friday 28th June 00:01


4,570 posts

218 months

Friday 28th June
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Sounds like a great idea if you enjoy sweating profusely.

I've been there in summer (NO) and it was unbearable being outside.


6,883 posts

210 months

I used to do a major conference every August in New Orleans and the humidity was horrendous. The temperature doesn’t change and you just sweat day and night. Also be warned about the high hurricane risk in August. Dry heat one can handle but humid wet head is so physically draining. Avoid at all costs.


2,687 posts

185 months

The humidity in New Orleans is radge at that time of the year.

I used to come out of my condo and swear at the sky on my way to work on a daily basis.

That being said, it 100% would not stop me visiting at that time of the year. Just try to accept that it’s going to be humid, drink plenty and dress accordingly and don’t let it dominate your time there.


740 posts

111 months

New Orleans at the time of year as others have said will be hot & very humid.
We walked out of our ice cold air conditioned hotel to then be instantly soaking with sweat as soon as you walked out.
Great place though but it’s quite a few years since we were there.