Bloody farmers



Original Poster:

4,637 posts

208 months

Friday 26th January
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They are protesting on 2 roundabouts in Bergerac.

The Police just shut the road,make everybody divert through town while they burn bales of straw and fk knows how many tyres.

It’s a disgrace which is met with a typical Gallic shrug.


3,107 posts

174 months

Friday 26th January
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They are protesting in Poland, France, Germany, Scotland and many other places.

Ever stop to think why?


Original Poster:

4,637 posts

208 months

Friday 26th January
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Don’t be so patronising.

Having lived in France for 14 years I’m fully up to speed with the various professions and their strike schedules.

What is objectionable is the burning of tyres and bales.
The roundabouts now look like the Somme and the roads a rally stage.


3,107 posts

174 months

Friday 26th January
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Livelihoods at stake, but sure, as long as they don't make the place look unsightly.


65 posts

102 months

Friday 26th January
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Crossing at Folkstone tomorrow morning and aiming to get to Girona in one hit... Fully sympathetic with their cause but 12 hours could quite quickly become 18 if we have to go cross-country.

There is talk that they will migrate towards Paris which would free up the A7 and A9 but time will tell..


5,723 posts

109 months

Sunday 28th January
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Still got the town signs turned upside down in our bit of Normandy after the last protest.


Original Poster:

4,637 posts

208 months

Sunday 28th January
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It’s getting dangerous around my way.
Roads and roundabouts blocked forcing all traffic to minor roads and through tiny villages.

The department’s road men were out with loading shovels yesterday clearing some roundabouts so trucks could get round them.


4,175 posts

74 months

Sunday 28th January
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smifffymoto said:
Don’t be so patronising.

Having lived in France for 14 years I’m fully up to speed with the various professions and their strike schedules.

What is objectionable is the burning of tyres and bales.
The roundabouts now look like the Somme and the roads a rally stage.
Although some might say that it is considerably more objectionable to have to watch their children go hungry because multiple governments have colluded to shut down all the farms to satisfy the demands of those who believe in an as-yet unproven scientific theory, whilst plebs like you and I own nothing and are told to be happy.

Personally I’d be grateful that someone was taking a stand against this tyranny and I’d be going round taking them drinks and sandwiches each day instead of complaining about some short term inconvenience.


Original Poster:

4,637 posts

208 months

Monday 29th January
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I don’t disagree with you 105.4 but it’s partly like this because the majority of people are happy with the current system.
High streets are struggling because of the rise of internet shopping,as you know.
Farming is the same,until there is a shift in people’s attitude to their relationship with supermarkets it won’t change.

The French want a free market but the Government to pick up the tab when it gets tough,just like the fking viticulteurs. They get paid out for bad harvests due to weather,frost,rain or even too much sun. They get paid out if they overproduce because the population are drinking less red wine.

France looks like a free market economy but the people need the state to be their socialist security blanket.

Sam Aigal

39 posts

13 months

Tuesday 30th January
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I find it interesting that the majority of French in general seem to support this sort of protest with the attitude of " look what the government has forced them to do". ( I'm not talking about the casseurs and using any excuse for a riot and to rob trainers and phones) Whereas in the UK the attitude seems to be more along the lines of " why are these people allowed to disrupt life".
There are arguments for both I guess.
Either way I'm not looking forward to the 1000km journey I have to do across France tomorrow.

Fatt McMissile

330 posts

136 months

Wednesday 31st January
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smifffymoto said:
France looks like a free market economy but the people need the state to be their socialist security blanket.
France has a dirigist economy. State intervention is a given at all stages, including when things go wrong.


6,269 posts

198 months

Wednesday 31st January
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Its behind a paywall, but you will get the drift.

Prepare for more of the same, if we don't get WW3 instead.