Stolen bike wiring help

Stolen bike wiring help



Original Poster:

52 posts

82 months

Wednesday 13th December 2023
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So this morning I woke up to my bike(Honda forza) missing again, reported it to police. The bike was found by my partner in the afternoon with the side panel being ripped off to gain access to the Electrics and they have destroyed the ignition switch(its keyless). The scumbags couldn’t get it started so dumped it on a main road. I’ve now recovered it to a safe location.

When I look in the side panel I see a connector plug unplugged but can’t see where it goes, wondering if this is why the electrics have stopped working. Can anybody confirm what the plug is and where it goes?

Not sure what I wanna do with the bike either, insurance are aware but I only use it to get to and from work


2,508 posts

207 months

Wednesday 13th December 2023
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That looks a serious plug.....does/did it go to the ECU?


Original Poster:

52 posts

82 months

Wednesday 13th December 2023
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Can’t see anything to plug it into tho

I’ll have a proper look on the weekend


1,395 posts

205 months

Wednesday 13th December 2023
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as far as im aware that socket is for the key module ecu, im assuming the theives have unplugged it to get it reprogrammed ,

they would have got a new key coded and plugged it in and it would have started,

cost about 150 , theres various people on ebay that do it


27,212 posts

192 months

Thursday 14th December 2023
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As noted above it looks like the keyless module has been removed to be reprogrammed

I'd get it hidden away in a shed until you can get a replacement, but quite honestly I'd just sell it to avoid it happening again. That, or leave it outside so they can finish the job I suppose


125 posts

203 months

Thursday 14th December 2023
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I'd also scan the bike for airtags or alike.. if you find one stuck to your bike remove it quick sharp.


Original Poster:

52 posts

82 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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Thanks all
I’ve got the bike in a safe location, just need the insurance to get themselves together and collect it.
No air tags found

I need to move before I get another bike


12,491 posts

221 months

Friday 15th December 2023
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Check the fusebox for signs of damage too.
I was working on a stolen recovered motorbike recently that needed a new ignition barrel fitted. I found that the ***** had wedged tin foil in the fuses for the ECU and fuel pump and swapped the 30amp main fuse for a tin wrapped 5amp in the hope it would create a permanent live.