Insurance approved bike sheds

Insurance approved bike sheds



Original Poster:

4,416 posts

244 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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As part of getting a bike, I want an insurance approved bike shed.

My problem it will have to down gap that's 1300mm wide and about 4m long, but will also need get to the other side of it semi regular.

The wall you can see between the gardens is 5 foot tall brick.



15,024 posts

278 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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I know nothing of bike sheds but, if I understand the question correctly then, surely they are to be assembled on-site and arrive 'flat-packed' so should be no problem to get down the alleyway?


3,212 posts

127 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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Is it likely to get broken into?

If you’re just playing safe then get a joiner to custom build a wooden shed. A lot of insurance companies now accept those without question.

Line it with ply, use coach bolts and secure locks and it will do 90% of the job a metal shed will do.


Original Poster:

4,416 posts

244 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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catso said:
I know nothing of bike sheds but, if I understand the question correctly then, surely they are to be assembled on-site and arrive 'flat-packed' so should be no problem to get down the alleyway?
Its access post constriction that's the issue.


3,232 posts

106 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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cirian75 said:
catso said:
I know nothing of bike sheds but, if I understand the question correctly then, surely they are to be assembled on-site and arrive 'flat-packed' so should be no problem to get down the alleyway?
Its access post constriction that's the issue.
If you build something 'custom', you can build it full width and have a door at both ends....


6,238 posts

129 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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93 posts

160 months

Monday 20th November 2023
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This thread has a few options - Bike Storage


3,086 posts

166 months

Tuesday 21st November 2023
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cirian75 said:
As part of getting a bike, I want an insurance approved bike shed.

My problem it will have to down gap that's 1300mm wide and about 4m long, but will also need get to the other side of it semi regular.

The wall you can see between the gardens is 5 foot tall brick.


Are you asking how you get the bike shed down there?

or are you asking how you get your bike down a 130mm wide gap?


3,232 posts

106 months

Tuesday 21st November 2023
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BobSaunders said:
cirian75 said:
As part of getting a bike, I want an insurance approved bike shed.

My problem it will have to down gap that's 1300mm wide and about 4m long, but will also need get to the other side of it semi regular.

The wall you can see between the gardens is 5 foot tall brick.


Are you asking how you get the bike shed down there?

or are you asking how you get your bike down a 130mm wide gap?
As I understood it, he needs to get access to the house (window?) beyond the shed despite the shed needing to take up pretty much all of the available width. Hence my suggestion that the shed has a door at both ends.
I may be wrong. And we may never know, as he hasn't returned since laugh


554 posts

89 months

Tuesday 21st November 2023
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A500leroy said: