motorcycle security
ive recently been a victim of motocycle crime,
so im now taking prevention alot more serious
ive found a secrity chain and according to my research its the best availibe at the moment, i would like some opinions
and also
also can someone reccommend a tracker
and any general advice
i need to make my mototrcycle unstealable
ive recently been a victim of motocycle crime,
so im now taking prevention alot more serious
ive found a secrity chain and according to my research its the best availibe at the moment, i would like some opinions
and also
also can someone reccommend a tracker
and any general advice
i need to make my mototrcycle unstealable
hey man - feel for you, and I've been there. Sadly there is nothing you can do really. Other than not leave the bike out of sight.
I used several trackers - datatool is my latest and it's fine, but having recovered a tracker the other day (bike was no longer attached to it) - the scum have sniffers and know exactly how to remove. Still a decent thing to have to help with insurance, but it won't stop your bike being nicked or indeed get it recovered almost certainly.
I had another bike, where the tracker stayed pinging for 30 days - the police basically said they weren't an insurance recover team and so I lost that bike, and they didn't remove the tracker.
So - I simply add a disc lock (can be angle grinded in a few seconds) and a chain, thick Oxford - but only if I'm like going into a bank or something for 10 minutes.
If you leave your bike anywhere out of sight, for more than 10 minutes (particularly in London) you have to assume it'll get nicked.
Sad state of affairs - I never leave any of my bikes where I can't see them , and over night secure brick garage all locked up and with a silent alarm (and camera) so I can get there and deal with the scum.
That all sounds very negative, but I think all i'm saying is - don't leave anywhere, if you have to - buy the s
ttest cheapest crap thing ever and take the bars or wheel off when you leave it
I used several trackers - datatool is my latest and it's fine, but having recovered a tracker the other day (bike was no longer attached to it) - the scum have sniffers and know exactly how to remove. Still a decent thing to have to help with insurance, but it won't stop your bike being nicked or indeed get it recovered almost certainly.
I had another bike, where the tracker stayed pinging for 30 days - the police basically said they weren't an insurance recover team and so I lost that bike, and they didn't remove the tracker.
So - I simply add a disc lock (can be angle grinded in a few seconds) and a chain, thick Oxford - but only if I'm like going into a bank or something for 10 minutes.
If you leave your bike anywhere out of sight, for more than 10 minutes (particularly in London) you have to assume it'll get nicked.
Sad state of affairs - I never leave any of my bikes where I can't see them , and over night secure brick garage all locked up and with a silent alarm (and camera) so I can get there and deal with the scum.
That all sounds very negative, but I think all i'm saying is - don't leave anywhere, if you have to - buy the s

Ultimately if someone wants something they'll get it. Personally I have my GS outside on the street with just an alarmed disc lock. I know it will be gone within minutes if someone wants it.
I'd rather they take the bike than risk them coming inside when my partner and her son are home demanding the keys.
You just need to make your stuff harder to get than your neighbours.
I'd rather they take the bike than risk them coming inside when my partner and her son are home demanding the keys.
You just need to make your stuff harder to get than your neighbours.
handful17 said:
Have things really got that bad now in general or is that just in cities? Surely a lock the size of the one in the OPs link would make it pretty obvious if you put a grinder on it except where everyone is either too busy or not bothered enough to notice. Very sad state of affairs...
in London things are that bad yes. Also, on the angle grinder - usually more than one scumbag - anyone that tries to intervene get's hurt. Police never turn up etcokenemem said:
What was the tracker called
do you know, I can't remember. I've had so many. It was a standard one from Triumph (but obviously aftermarket).I've since used Biketrac which was really good, and Datatool which is good.
To be fair, the Triumph one was excellent. THey could tell they disconnected the battery (bike battery) and the backup kept going for the 30 days approximately.
The saga was the bike was in someone's flat - and the police couldn't / wouldn't get a warrant as they didn't know which flat (it wasn't precise enough once it was in the building).
They apparently knocked on doors and ask people if they had a stolen bike inside - obviously they said 'no mate' and that was the end of it.
9k bike vanished!
Still , generally only happens once to most people - as you're fairly motivated for it not to be twice.
I was nearly off bikes completely as I couldn't get insurance at all after
nordboy said:
I've, for the first time ever, done a kickstarter for a new lock coming in the new year. The Hiplok DX1000. Apparently going to be one of the toughest locks to crack. Either that or I've just wasted a s
t load of cash!!
this stuff is all good - but only if you're leaving the bike for minutes, not hours.
At the end of the day, if they want the bike they just go old skool - lift it into a van and f

The only thing this stops is the little

That said, in 5 years I've had two attempts to actually bike jack me in central London - I do ride every day, and always on nice nearly new things, but if they really want it - you have to be prepared to not leave it and / or protect it.
I use an alarmed disk lock when I'm staying at hotels in the UK, it'll make enough noise to scare off the kids. A portable angle grinder will have it off in 20 seconds probably but it'll stop the casual thief. If they really want it then they'll park a van next to it and lift it in and be off in 20 seconds.
I don't live or work in London though, not sure what I'd do if I did, probably get secure parking or go by car.
I don't live or work in London though, not sure what I'd do if I did, probably get secure parking or go by car.
The Selfish Gene said:
nordboy said:
I've, for the first time ever, done a kickstarter for a new lock coming in the new year. The Hiplok DX1000. Apparently going to be one of the toughest locks to crack. Either that or I've just wasted a s
t load of cash!!
this stuff is all good - but only if you're leaving the bike for minutes, not hours.
At the end of the day, if they want the bike they just go old skool - lift it into a van and f

The only thing this stops is the little

That said, in 5 years I've had two attempts to actually bike jack me in central London - I do ride every day, and always on nice nearly new things, but if they really want it - you have to be prepared to not leave it and / or protect it.

The Selfish Gene said:
That said, in 5 years I've had two attempts to actually bike jack me in central London - I do ride every day, and always on nice nearly new things, but if they really want it - you have to be prepared to not leave it and / or protect it.
Wow! How did they try to bike jack you?Tonberry said:
Definitely the Litelok X3 but I'd get one for each wheel if you can.
I prefer Pragmasis to Almax but yes a 22mm+ chain will do the job.
Another vote for Pragmasis. I prefer Pragmasis to Almax but yes a 22mm+ chain will do the job.
I’m bonkers on security - house, cars, garage, bikes, and that’s regardless of where I park the bikes. Basically even going to pay for petrol it’s a disc lock on. The thought of them being stolen makes me sick. Why run the risk, when it takes 20 seconds to get a lock on.
I don’t use the steering locks - utterly pointless and a scrote knows that a few seconds slamming the bars will break the frame lugs off - that’ll write the bike off.
At home I’ve a pair of Pragmasis ground anchors, a variety of Pragmasis Protector chains from 13mm to 22mm and their “Double D” D locks. I always use all of them.
Steel roller doors. Extra locks on the corners. Full garage alarm. CCTV in garage, on garage facing down drive and hidden in a tree facing the garage door. Lights all around and they stay on from dusk to dawn. I had the side window and personal access door on the side of that garage mricked up. I’m semi rural, house hidden behind hedges and trees away from the road, and the garage detached so it’s actually more at risk than it would be on a residential estate, hence my paranoia.
When out and about I use the Pragmasis D Locks, an Abus alarmed disc lock or the 13mm Protector chain - there’s no real way that a scrote is going to be able to crop the 13mm chain out in the street, and the angle grinder resistance is not really relevant. You need to be able to carry your locks in order to use them - you cannot carry a 1.5m long 16mm or 22mm chain - they’re just too unwieldy.
If you’re nipping inside somewhere always use the lock, and I don’t leave it out of my field of view.
Trackers: don’t have one but if I did I’d just use an AirTag and be canny about where I hid it.
The Selfish Gene said:
in London things are that bad yes. Also, on the angle grinder - usually more than one scumbag - anyone that tries to intervene get's hurt. Police never turn up etc
The London stuff is what makes me as paranoid as I am, despite being hundreds of miles away. I wouldn’t take a bike into London. I wouldn’t take myself there, to be fair. Round here it’s dirt bikes. I recently sold my KTM as it was simply a worry in case some scrotes found out I had one or I got followed on it. It’s a weight off my mind that it’s gone (I might have been my usual paranoid, over-thinking self though, as £53 a year fully comp says otherwise).
so im gonna go with,
1 maybe 2 hiplock d1000 one on front wheel and one on rear
i have a pragmasis 19mm chain which i will use to secure rear wheel to pole (which was the chain which was cut to steal my previous bike, they left it so may aswell use it again)
i will have a almax 25mm chain to secure front wheel to pole
and both a battery power tracker and a air tag
, if i lose this bike i wont ride again till i get my own garage
i think that is at least 12 mins of cutting with an angle grinder which hopefully is a big enough deterant
1 maybe 2 hiplock d1000 one on front wheel and one on rear
i have a pragmasis 19mm chain which i will use to secure rear wheel to pole (which was the chain which was cut to steal my previous bike, they left it so may aswell use it again)
i will have a almax 25mm chain to secure front wheel to pole
and both a battery power tracker and a air tag
, if i lose this bike i wont ride again till i get my own garage
i think that is at least 12 mins of cutting with an angle grinder which hopefully is a big enough deterant
okenemem said:
so im gonna go with,
1 maybe 2 hiplock d1000 one on front wheel and one on rear
i have a pragmasis 19mm chain which i will use to secure rear wheel to pole (which was the chain which was cut to steal my previous bike, they left it so may aswell use it again)
i will have a almax 25mm chain to secure front wheel to pole
and both a battery power tracker and a air tag
, if i lose this bike i wont ride again till i get my own garage
i think that is at least 12 mins of cutting with an angle grinder which hopefully is a big enough deterant
Just make sure the Hiplok d1000 will fit round the wheel. The new DX1000 is specifically made for motorbikes as it's slightly larger. It's only on kickstarter at the oment for a discount over what the RRP will be. I think the early deal is now gone but there was a further deal available last time i looked.1 maybe 2 hiplock d1000 one on front wheel and one on rear
i have a pragmasis 19mm chain which i will use to secure rear wheel to pole (which was the chain which was cut to steal my previous bike, they left it so may aswell use it again)
i will have a almax 25mm chain to secure front wheel to pole
and both a battery power tracker and a air tag
, if i lose this bike i wont ride again till i get my own garage
i think that is at least 12 mins of cutting with an angle grinder which hopefully is a big enough deterant
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