GSXR 600/750 K8 phone holder

GSXR 600/750 K8 phone holder



Original Poster:

197 posts

137 months

Sunday 5th November 2023
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Hello all,

Has anybody tried one of these or similar?

I'd be keen to learn what people are using for phone holders on sports bikes.

Greetings from Switzerland.


MK3 Dan

284 posts

156 months

Sunday 5th November 2023
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Quadlock all day long for me.

Not the cheapest but can be used anywhere/for anything.

Fits every bike I have tried!


12,165 posts

217 months

Sunday 5th November 2023
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MK3 Dan said:
Quadlock all day long for me.

Not the cheapest but can be used anywhere/for anything.

Fits every bike I have tried!
Agreed. I have the quad on my gixxer. The vibration mount is highly recommended to protect the phone on any bike.

slime bomb

161 posts

77 months

Monday 6th November 2023
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I use a SP Connect and love it. Be very careful using an iphone on any motorcycle as these are the worst for killing the camera. I have a Galaxy phone and had no problems but my mate killed his iphone camera after 500 miles!