Glastonbury 2024



Original Poster:

7,165 posts

147 months

Tuesday 17th October 2023
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Who's in then?

Registration closes 5pm Monday 30th October
Coach ticket sale 6pm Thursday 2nd November
General sale 9am Sunday 5th November

Ticket price: £355 + £5 booking fee

I was contemplating taking a year off - cost of living crisis and all that - but all my fellow attendees still want to go and I suspect I will have the massive FOMO!

I might try for tickets and if I don't get one then c'est la vie. My little posse has been incredibly lucky over the last 15yrs to always get tickets when we've wanted to. A lot of that is because we're willing to do the coach package, so you are fishing in a much smaller pond of people wanting to depart from your departure point only.

Weather-wise we have been treated to several dry years so I'm guessing a wet one will come along soon! eek

Pyramid headliner predictions? I'm going with Madonna, Liam Gallagher and Depeche Mode.


22,772 posts

143 months

Thursday 2nd November 2023
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We are in for trying for our 3rd visit, 2011 was our first attempt and we got tickets, 2019 was our second attendance, not for want of trying for the other years.

Last year was a bit of a shambles trying to get tickets with some still managing to get them after the official "sold out" notices went up.

It will be just me and the wife this year, 2019 we went with another couple who were up for going this year just gone, however next year they are getting married so have decided to leave it.

Berger 3rd

386 posts

182 months

Thursday 2nd November 2023
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I’m in (although not for coach) will be my 7th on the bounce if I’m successful, feeling less hopeful than ever based on how much of a bloodbath the recent sales have been, but I think that every year and somehow find a way.

Having said that, for the first time I wouldn’t be that devo if I didn’t get them. I’ve had a good run, and now I’ve seen Macca and Elton there, short of a miracle and FM doing it, there really isn’t anyone who could realistically now perform that I’d be that worried about missing.

It is getting bloody expensive though, we did it in a Campervan last year and even that is now £200 for a ticket.

Also there is a very strong possibility from good sources the headliners are Madge, Dua Lipa and Coldplay. Certainly the latter two are apparently fairly nailed on.

Edited by Berger 3rd on Thursday 2nd November 12:03

Edited by Berger 3rd on Thursday 2nd November 12:04


22,772 posts

143 months

Thursday 2nd November 2023
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Green Day have a break in their EU/UK tour between Dublin on the 27th June and London on the 29th June.


5,293 posts

232 months

Thursday 2nd November 2023
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HTP99 said:
Green Day have a break in their EU/UK tour between Dublin on the 27th June and London on the 29th June.
They're playing Isle of Wight the weekend before.

In a similar style Blink182 - have reformed.


22,772 posts

143 months

Thursday 2nd November 2023
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It appears the sale of tickets has been moved back 2 weeks due to some people not realising they had to re-register, WTF that is their problem, I knew, my wife knew, I'm sure the majority knew, so some didn't read their e-mails, it's not as if this wasn't publicised, that is their problem.

Berger 3rd

386 posts

182 months

Thursday 2nd November 2023
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Absolute amateur hour, they shouldn’t catering for anyone in this position, there has been plenty of warning and reminders, and you’ll still get people who haven’t done it in 2 weeks anyway.


386 posts

219 months

Thursday 2nd November 2023
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I thought it was a fake announcement at first to throw a load of people off the scent - very clever idea btw - but what an absolute shower this is. I've had at least 4 emails over August-October drawing attention to the registration check - it's inconceivable that they've had so many complaints about expired registrations that they would choose to take this action, surely a convenient excuse to cover up another reason for a delay. Either way a kick in the nuts to everyone that has taken the necessary steps and made plans around tonight's and Sunday's sale.


22,772 posts

143 months

Thursday 2nd November 2023
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BeeGT said:
I thought it was a fake announcement at first to throw a load of people off the scent - very clever idea btw - but what an absolute shower this is. I've had at least 4 emails over August-October drawing attention to the registration check - it's inconceivable that they've had so many complaints about expired registrations that they would choose to take this action, surely a convenient excuse to cover up another reason for a delay. Either way a kick in the nuts to everyone that has taken the necessary steps and made plans around tonight's and Sunday's sale.
A few people on Twitter have said that their registration has been lost, funnily enough I have just had a look for mine, I get the e-mail with my name, registration number and post code but I click on the link to "View, edit or delete this registration" and I just get punted back to the retrieve details page, so perhaps there is a bit more to this than just some were not organised enough to re-register.

Berger 3rd

386 posts

182 months

Thursday 2nd November 2023
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I think that is the case for everyone at the moment as they closed it all off completely from Monday I think.


Original Poster:

7,165 posts

147 months

Thursday 2nd November 2023
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HTP99 said:
It appears the sale of tickets has been moved back 2 weeks due to some people not realising they had to re-register, WTF that is their problem, I knew, my wife knew, I'm sure the majority knew, so some didn't read their e-mails, it's not as if this wasn't publicised, that is their problem.
It's not the fault of the registrants though.

The situation is that people have gone in and checked their registrations before the cut-off date, changed anything necessary, got a confirmation that all is updated, but then when they have gone to double check on their details after the cut-off they have found themselves to NOT be registered

That's hardly their fault, is it, having done everything requested in good faith?

The joke organisation that is Seetickets have clearly failed to make the updates at the back-end, then deleted a load of 'lapsed' registrations that weren't actually lapsed.

It's an uncommitted update, in database parlance, somebody has made a simple but fairly seismic IT balls up.

They most likely didn't log the newly captured details, so are unable to repair the situation behind the scenes without having to fess 'up to having dropped a massive bk, hence opening registrations again.

There's loads of people all over social media blaming the punters but it is - quelle surprise - a colossal FUBAR by Seetickets.

Edited by PurpleTurtle on Thursday 2nd November 17:55


22,772 posts

143 months

Thursday 2nd November 2023
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Yep, having read a bit more on this it seems a massive balls up by See Tickets, jokers!


23,805 posts

224 months

Thursday 2nd November 2023
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Sorry- £355 a ticket and they still want to rinse you a fiver for booking ?

That’s shyte in my opinion .

Berger 3rd

386 posts

182 months

Friday 3rd November 2023
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See are st, but it’s a loss leader for them and a £5 booking fee is cheap compared to the likes of Ticketmaster.

If they didn’t charge a £5 booking fee it would just be hidden in the cost of the ticket, because Glastonbury would have to pay See to run it all for them, See aren’t a charity.

I don’t think anyone who goes regularly would want a more efficient system really, as much as See balls up it’s to be expected when they’re probably doing it at cost, no doubt Ticketmaster could take it over and sell the tickets in 5 seconds with a higher booking fee, but is that what people really want?


22,772 posts

143 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Right, who's in this morning after the debacle 2 weeks ago!

A friend in a group of 8 tried for coach tickets on Thursday, they weren't successful.

Edited by HTP99 on Sunday 19th November 07:31


5,226 posts

246 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Hitting f5 here...


22,772 posts

143 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Anyone successful, we weren't, neither were anyone that we know?


2,336 posts

224 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Fail here.

Sat for an hour and saw no change until it sold out.

Was slightly surprised the system seemed to just rely on constant refreshing rather than actually shoving you into a queue.

Pictures on twitter showed people with 25 browser windows open refreshing them all but they didn’t get through either.


5,089 posts

225 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Yep, first time applying for tickets, no luck either

My back up plan of going to the first week of the TdeF is now live, unless I’m lucky on the resale in April?

Any ideas on percentage of tickets returned?


7,167 posts

49 months

Sunday 19th November 2023
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Guess there must be a trick to it, family member who goes every year with their group managed to get all forty four (!!) tickets they wanted booked.

Not a surprise it sold out quickly at that rate.